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**原文 [#text_en]
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10th of Rains Hand, 3E433<br>
     Is it wrong to feel this way? Should I not feel saddened that I will never see Stilus, my only brother, again? True he did molest my wife, sweet Acretia, and his punishment is deserved. Still I expected to feel some sorrow when Father exiled Stilus. Yet all I felt was joy and vindication. In fact the only thing that saddens me is that Father got involved at all. Stilus should suffer for his crime, but he should suffer at my hand, not Father's. Father was wrong, he should have allowed us to settle this matter ourselves. How can Father deny me the opportunity to defend my wife's honor? This is not done between Stilus and I. I can sense it; like an inescapable fate, and impending doom. Stilus and I will meet at some point in time, and then we will settle our differences, as it should be. Man to man, and to the death. I fear that only after that will I be able to grieve for my brother. <br>
3rd of Second Seed, 3E433<br>
     It has been almost a month since Stilus was exiled. Life at home is beginning to return to normal. Now we must turn our attention to other matters. Father is returning to Windfall for a while. I expect to follow him in a few days. Stilus was handling most of Windfall's day to day affairs for Father and I. With Stilus gone, we must return to administer the city. Father plans to stay in Windfall for a short time. Since Stilus was the last Varo in Windfall, I believe Father just wants to see what kind of mess Stilus left for us to clean up. My move will be more permanent. Acretia prefers life in the Varo Keep, so I had been spending most of my time here and just going into Windfall occasionally. Now that Stilus is exiled, I will need to spend most of my time in Windfall administering the city on Fathers behalf. I may as well as get used to it, I believe Father will be retiring soon. I suspect that is one of the reasons for his trip, to begin the process of turning the city over to me. I have not told this to Acretia yet, since I am sure she would prefer to stay here in the keep. I am leaving a couple of guards here, just in case Stilus tries to return while I am in Windfall. I will send for her once I have set up our residence in Windfall Castle.<br>
9th of Mid Year, 3E433<br>
     I have only been in Windfall for a few weeks now. I do miss my sweet Acretia so. I have sent her many letters, but it is not the same as seeing her beautiful face each morning. I long to feel her loving touch once again. I would like to send for now, but our home is not ready. I have been so busy with the tasks of administering Windfall, and with Father sick, I just haven't had the time to prepare our home. I am concerned with Father, in addition to being sick, he seems to be aging quickly. His age may prevent him from recovering as quickly as he should. I fear that soon I will be looking at an old man, not the powerful Lord I grew up knowing. Damn Stilus, I know this is his fault. I am sure that the family problems he has caused are taking their toll on Father. It would have been better if Father had let me run him through. At least then it would be over and we could get on with our lives.<br>
12th of Mid Year, 3E433<br>
     Father is not getting better, and I am now greatly concerned. He continues to look older and frailer with each passing day. I have asked Fracus to take a couple of guards and escort Father back to Varo Keep. I think he can rest more comfortably there, and not be bothered with the problems of Windfall while he is trying to recover. I am also sending word to Acretia. I am asking her to come here once Father is settled. It is time she is by my side again. Perhaps she should stay with Father while he recovers, but I must confess my desire to see my wife again. Father will have the keep staff and guards to care for him.<br>
26th of Mid Year, 3E433<br>
     I can hardly contain my joy. I have finally received word that Acretia is coming. My sweet Acretia should be joining me in a day or two. I was beginning to worry, it has been almost two weeks since Father returned to the keep. I knew Acretia would not leave him right away, but I thought she would be here by now. She must miss me as much as I miss her. But it doesn't matter now. She will be here in a day or two.<br>
10th of Suns Height, 3E433<br>
     I am deeply concerned. It has been two weeks since I heard Acretia was coming and she has not arrived. It is only a day's ride by horse, what could be taking so long? She must be waiting for me to ride up on my steed and sweep her off her feet. Yes, that must be it, she likes those types of gestures. I will leave tomorrow. Windfall can run on it's own for a few days. It will give me chance to look in on Father while I am there.<br>
12th of Suns Height, 3E433<br>
     I am so heart broken, I can hardly write this. Acretia is missing! I went to the keep to escort her myself and I was informed she had left two weeks earlier, the day after Fracus sent word she was coming. I took a guard and searched the countryside. We could find no signs of her. This must be Stilus' doing. He must have taken her while she was traveling to Windfall. I will have his head when I find him. As soon as Father recovers and returns to Windfall, I will hunt Stilus down. I will not rest until I have found Acretia and buried Stilus.<br>
13th of Suns Height, 3E433<br>
     Fracus has returned to Windfall bearing grave news. Father has died. I must return to the keep for my Father's burial soon. I will be traveling with a heavy heart. How can the fates be so cruel? Less than a year ago, life could not have been better. I had a beautiful wife with plans for many children. My brother, and best friend, were one in the same. We would enjoy many adventures together. Our Father was a strong, powerful man, Lord of the area, and Count of Windfall. Now my Father is dead, my brother is dead to me, and my wife is missing. I am alone in the world now. My joy of life is gone. I will have no more happy times. I no longer live, I simply exist. Like a blade of grass, doing what I must but gaining no joy from it.<br>
13th of Suns Height, 3E433<br>
     Fracus stopped by again this evening. He came to inform me that he will be leaving Windfall. He has decided to return to his position in the Legion. I asked about Father's Family Signet Ring, it is the one thing I will need to prove I am his heir. Fracus assumed Father left the ring here in Windfall. Farcus was with Father when he died. He said Father left no instructions, nor anything for delivery. This is very strange indeed. Father left nothing with me, or the town guard.  I must find it, but I simply can't be concerned with it right now. I will ask the staff to look for it.<br>
20th of Suns Height, 3E433<br>
     Oh Father, I feel shame! I will not be able to attend your funeral. What kind of son am I? Every time I start to leave a new problem arises in the slums. It has been nothing but strikes and protests since Father died last week. I fear if the problems are not settled soon these protests may turn into riots. I would leave this for Fracus to attend to so I could go to Father's funeral, but he has already returned to the Imperial City.<br>
27th of Suns Height, 3E433<br>
     The problems in the slums grow worse. First strikes and protests, now robberies and murders. What next riots and revolts? Why this sudden eruption of problems from the citizens? It is getting so bad some of the guards are refusing to patrol the slums. How do I put an end to these problems? Nothing I do seems to make any difference. My advisors tell me this is a challenge to my authority. Without the Varo Family Signet Ring I have no right to the Lordship, and cannot claim it. I am my Father's son, do they not know this? I must find that ring, there is no question about it. That still doesn't answer my biggest question. Why? I was involved in running this city for years. Everyone knows who I am. If this is a challenge to my right to govern, why now? And who is behind it? This had to start somewhere. And who would they replace me with? This is ridiculous, there are far too many questions that have no answers. But if this is not a challenge, then one question still remains. Why? Everything comes back to that one question. Why?<br>
5th of Last Seed, 3E433<br>
     The problems in the slums continue to grow worse. Everything I do only seems to aggravate the situation. I do believe this has become a challenge to my right to govern, but from whom? Nobody has challenged me openly. Yet the rumors persist. I have heard that even some of the guards are beginning to question my authority. Quietly of course, otherwise I would have them hung. My advisors believe that if I could prove my right to govern this would end quickly. In order to do that, I must find the Family Ring. Fracus said he thought the ring was here, in Windfall. But my staff has been unable to locate it. Surely Father would have sent the ring with Fracus, his trusted bodyguard, not one of the keep staff. I have sent messengers to search the now empty keep anyway, with no luck. Apparently the keep staff left after Father was buried. Oh Father, what did you do with your Signet Ring? How I wish you were here to guide me through this. To make matters worse, the problems in the slums have reached the ears of the Imperial City. The Legion is sending a detachment to help keep the peace until the political situation in Windfall is settled. As if I do not have enough problems, now I will the Legion peering over my shoulder. I hear Fracus is leading the detachment. Since his return to the Legion, he would be the obvious choice. As Father's bodyguard, he is familiar with the area. I am not sure how this will affect my situation. He was loyal to father. Will that loyalty extend to me? I do not know.<br>
19th of Last Seed, 3E433<br>
     I had hoped that Fracus would help solidify my control of the town, but apparently that is not the case. Fracus told me the Legion detachment is under strict orders not to get involved in the local politics. They are only here to protect the Empire's interest. He is not to get involved in the local matters unless it turns into a revolt against the Empire itself. If that happens, the Legion will take direct control of the city. He did warn me that I should settle this as soon as possible, the Legion's patience for this is limited. The Legion soldiers will only patrol the commerce district. That is where the Empire's interest lies. The Slums are still the responsibility of the local guards. But the Slums are where I need the Legion to patrol. The town guards will no longer enter the Slums, except in great numbers. And even then they are attacked. The Slums are now organized. It is no longer the random murders and robberies it once was. Now it seems coordinated and planned. This is definitely a challenge to my authority. But I still have no idea who the challenger is. The best my guards have learned is that the leader is a man called the Saint. But no one knows who this is. We have no description of this Saint, no idea where his headquarters are located, and no idea who his closest aides are. We don't even know if anyone has actually seen this Saint.<br>
23rd of Last Seed, 3E433<br>
     Saint, Saint, Saint. I am sick and tired of hearing about this Saint. I wish the man would just show himself so I can dispatch him and be done with it. This Saint and his followers are now in complete control of the slums. The Legion is now running the commerce district. The town guards only patrol the wealthy section of town, where it is safe. I must find this Saint, or at least find out who he is. If this grows into an open revolt, the Legion will surely take control of Windfall directly, orders or not. I could end this here and now if I could find the Signet Ring. Then I could claim the Lordship by right, and the Legion would have to help me. Or I need to find this saint. That too would allow me to put an end to this madness before it becomes an uprising. Oh Father, I wish you were here. Oh Acretia, I miss you. Your presence would help settle my mind so much. I feel so alone.<br>

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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