L10N/Verona_House_Bloodlines/12/Books/VHQMYTheKendhallBookofRiddles の変更点


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<div align="center"><font face=1><br>The Kendhall Book of Riddles<br>
Loadbearer, Warrior<br>
Spirited, Brave<br>
Fleet-foot, Ironshod<br>
Faithful One, Slave<br>
<div align="left">
Answer: Horse <br>
<br><div align="center">
I rise above the roofs below<br>
Finger up-raised to heaven.<br>
I speak in clear tones<br>
That aim for others<br>
To gather where I call.<br>
<div align="left">
Answer: Bell Tower <br>
<br><div align="center">
Some live in me, some live on,<br>
And some shave me to stride upon.<br>
I rarely leave my native land.<br>
Until my death I always stand.<br>
High and low I may be found<br>
Both above and under ground.<br>
<div align="left">
Answer: Tree <br>
<br><div align="center">
Armor bright<br>
Gleaming white<br>
A single rank<br>
Their faces blank<br>
Now hid by night<br>
Now bold by light<br>
Bright red the land<br>
Where soldiers stand<br>
<div align="left">
Answer: Teeth<br>

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