L10N/Verona_House_Bloodlines/12/Books/VHQBook1CheapGuideVerona の変更点


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*題名 [#n2079506]
**原題 [#d8e4060a]

**訳題 [#saa7b461]

*本文 [#zf9b8644]

**原文 [#j6054ea3]
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<div align="center"><font face=1>ALESSIA OTTUS'<br>
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/z_66x62.dds" width=66 height=62>enithar, bless all our labors! My name is Alessia Ottus, and I'd like to tell you all about Verona. <br>
Set along the delicate shores of Lake Rumare, overlooking the capital city, and close to the vital north-south trade routes, Verona Bay is a small wealthy suburb of the majestic Imperial City. <br>
Verona Bay is a bright and cheerful, prosperous town on the North Western shore of the great lake, with wide, bright streets, large, comfortable houses, designed bydesigned by renowned architect Mathos Sowdan, whose work heavily influenced the design of Skingard.There are trees and flowering shrubs everywhere, and  a peaceful plaza to the north. As a result, the wealthy and influential, have long made Verona Bay there home. The presence of a garrison in the town makes it a pleasant and safe place to visit.<br>
Verona Bay, has no legal ruler, all though the populace of old deferred to the owner of the manor called Verona House. The population is diverse but committed to the traditional values of hard-working, chapel going, and law-abiding.<br>
The town itself  begins high on the hills close to the old imperial  ruin of Fort Empire and swings gracefully down to dip its toes in the waters of Rumare. To the north is Berunda Plaza, which houses the first class inn, the Rumare Hotel. The vast Verona House, once one of the most famous buildings in Tamriel, dominates the centre. Heading south you will find the small Chapel of the Divines. The shops are spread through out the town, illustrating it's divest history. Brandyworth's is family run business principally dealing in the art of smithing. In recent times Brandyworth's have expanded  into a fine bookstore and general trader On the southern edge of the town, you will come across the Cup and Staff, long time traders in fine magical items.   A pavement extends along the shorefront offering views of the lake and the city beyond. <br>
The Chapel of the Divine has, since its construction, become a place of pilgrimage. Not for those seeking holy inspiration, but rather for a small cult of personality that has grown around the towns former residents. The now dead VanGarff and his wife Berunda. For it was in this very chapel that they made their wedding vows.  Trade and industry are strong in Verona Bay, which has a long history of crab fishing, horse grooming and specialist ingredient collecting. <br>
Verona Bay has no guilds, which may be seen as a flaw. It certainly prevents any attempt by the burgh to call itself a city. <br>
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Praise the Nine and hail the small town with the big heart!

**訳文 [#l363fa0d]
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<div align="center"><font face=1>ALESSIA_OTTUS_の案内書<br>
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/z_66x62.dds" width=66 height=62>enithar_よ、勤勉なる者に祝福を!_私、Alessia_Ottus_が_Verona_の全てをお伝えします。_<br>
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