L10N/Verona_House_Bloodlines/12/Books/VHQ5LoveNoteH2Z の変更点

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Zam my love,
It almost broke my heart to read your last letter.  It seems too cruel that you should be forced to pay off Berra debts.<br>

If it is money you need the use this ring to raise funds. I will tell Augustus that I gave it to you for safe keeping.<br>
You can then claim it has been stolen. He will like most thing, be too involved in pursuing his own pleasure to care.  Why do you insist on protecting his reputation. You allow the gossips to prattle too much. Let the world know that the scoundrel left me to enjoy whoring in Bravil.<br>
I long for the time when we can truly be together without shame or deceit.
Harriet, your little care bear.


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