L10N/Verona_House_Bloodlines/12/Books/VHMLetter5 の変更点

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Dear Junna,<br>

Saint Alessia the divine, hear my prayer. <br>

That's all these fools go on about. <br>
Still it's the perfect place for me and Ullrikah to hide out.<br>
They spend their time in seclusion, making it easy to sneak out. I've even been able to do a few jobs.  People let me into their houses and give me board and lodgings, and I repay them by stealing their precious little trinkets.<br>
Ullrikah, however, has gone Native. She is planning to STAY!!!<br>
I kid you not! As soon as the heat in Cheydinhal dies down I'm off. <br>
It's important that you square things with the guild. I need to be able to rejoin the world, this is the perfect refuge and hideout, but St Alessia knows how boring it is. <br>
The sister are pleasant, and they even break the rules occasionally. The last time we were in Bravil we ran into one of order talking to a very odd looking man in black robes....<br>


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