L10N/Verona_House_Bloodlines/12/Books/BookUniqueLibrarianGuide の変更点


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<FONT face=?1?> <DIV align="center">
The Librarian's Guide to Skill Books<HR>

<DIV align="left">
<FONT face=?2?>
Combat Skills<HR>

<FONT face=?2?>
The Armorers Challenge<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Cheydinhal Fighter?s Guild <br>
<FONT face=?2?>
Cherim's Heart of Anequina<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: First Edition (upstairs). <br>
<FONT face=?2?>
Heavy Armor Repair<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found only as marauder and tomb loot. <br>
<FONT face=?2?>
Last Scabbard of Akrash<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Fighting Chance, Market District (upstairs) <br>
<FONT face=?2?>
Light Armor Repair<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations:  Bravil Castle Barracks. <HR>

<FONT face=?2?>
A Dance in Fire 3<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Uura the shepherd?s house southwest of Skingrad<br>
<FONT face=?2?>
The Argonian Account 1<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Appears only as random loot<br>
<FONT face=?2?>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Cloud Ruler Temple, Great Hall. <br>
<FONT face=?2?>
The Ransom of Zarek<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: In cupboard in Arena Bloodworks<br>
<FONT face=?2?>
The Red Kitchen Reader<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Anvil Castle, Private Quarters. <HR>
<FONT face=?2?> 
<FONT face=?2?>
2920; Morningstar<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations Cheydinhal Castle, Private Quarters & Leyawiin Castle, Steward and Healer?s  Quarters<br>
<FONT face=?2?>
Battle of Sancre Tor<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Castle Bravil Main Hall and as random loot<br>
<FONT face=?2?>
Fire and Darkness<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Related to Thieves Guild activities<br>
<FONT face=?2?>
Song of Hrormir<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Bravil Castle, Drels Theran's room and the Arena district in Branwen and Saliith's Chest<br>
<FONT face=?2?>
Words and Philosophy<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Modryn Oreyn's house,  Chorrol. <HR>
<FONT face=?2?>
A Dance in Fire 2<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Elven Gardens Guard?s House<br>
<FONT face=?2?>
Death Blow of Abernanit<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Anvil Fighter?s Guild, Dining Room. <br>
<FONT face=?2?>
The Mirror<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: City Barracks, Leyawiin, ground floor. <br>

<FONT face=?2?>


<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Leyawiin Castle's royal bedroom<br>

<FONT face=?2?>

The Warp in the West<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found as random loot and one copy lies in the great hall of the Cloud Ruler Temple. <HR><FONT face=?2?>


The Importance of Where<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Bravil Castle Dungeon<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 


<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Anvil Castle royal quarters. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

The Legendary Sancre Tor<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Vilena Donton?s house. Chorrol<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Mace Etiquette<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations:  found as random loot. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Night falls on Sentinel<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Goblin Jim's cave, north of Skingrad <HR><FONT face=?2?> 

Hand to Hand<p>

Ahziir Traajajazeri<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Below J'Ghasta's house in Bruma & In the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary of Cheydinhal<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Immortal Blood<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Seridur?s house temple district Imperial city, cellar. <br>

Additionally copies can be found in J'Gasta's house in Bruma, <br>

and in a bandit camp just outside the Ayleid ruin Vilverin<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Master Zoaraym's Tale<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in boss level tomb creature and marauder loot. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Way of the Exposed Palm<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found on the southside of Fieldhouse cave, lying underneath a mushroom. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

The Wolf Queen II<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Skingrad can be found inside the lords manor in the castle there. <br>
<HR><FONT face=?2?> 

Heavy Armor<p>

2920; Midyear<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in Chorrol, in the store fire and steel<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 


<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Imperial City, can be found in the imperial legion barracks. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Fighters Guild History<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in both the Chorrol and Anvil fighters guild, and of course in the Mystic Archives in the Arcane University. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Hallgerds Tale<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations:Chorrol, can be found in the fighters guild<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

How Orsinium Passed to the Orcs<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations:Bruma, can be found in the castle, in the lords manor. <HR><FONT face=?2?> 

Magic Skills<HR><FONT face=?2?> 

<FONT face=?2?> 

Calcinator Treatise<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: This book can be found as random loot. <br>

One fixed place to get it, is by doing the quest "two sides of a coin" a quest situated in Bruma. Speak to Arnoria Auria there to start it. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

De Rerum Dirennis<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in Skingrad in the store called "All Things Alchemy"<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Mannimarco; King of Worms<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations:Can be found in the mystic archives, inside the Arcane university in the Imperial City<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Song of the Alchemists<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in the Lustrarium in the Imperial city's arcane university<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

A Game at Dinner<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Chorrol Mages Guild<HR><FONT face=?2?> 

<FONT face=?2?> 

Daughter of the Niben<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations:Can be found in Skingrad, in the mages guild, there in the living quarters. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

The Dragon Break<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Imperial city, elven gardens district, can be found in Dovyn Aren's house there. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

The Lunar Lorkhan<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations:Can be found in boss level conjurer and Necromancer loot. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Reality and other Falsehoods<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations:This can be found in Leyawiin, in the southern books bookstore. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 


<FONT face=?3?>
Locations:Leyawiin, can be found in the great chapel there. <HR><FONT face=?2?> 

<FONT face=?2?> 

2920; Heartfire<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in Bruma, inside the Chapel of Talos<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

2920; Frostfall<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in Anvil, inside the great chapel of Dibella. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

The Doors of Oblivion<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in Anvil, in the mages guild. <br>

Additional copies are in the Cloud Ruler Temple, in the great hall there <br>
and in a tower above fort Caractus, which is on the north side of lake Rumare<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Liminal Bridges<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Can be found in the Imperial city, at the Arcane University's mystic archives<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

The Warriors Charge<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in boss level necromancer and conjurer loot<HR><FONT face=?2?> 

<FONT face=?2?> 

The Horrors of Castle Xyr<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Bravil, mages guild. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Mystery of Talara III<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in boss level Conjurer and Necromancer loot. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Response to Bero's speech<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in the Mystic Archives, inside the arcane university in the 
Imperial City<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

A Hypothetical Treachery<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Skingrad Castle, Lords Manor. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

The Art of War Magic
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Leafrot Cave. <HR><FONT face=?2?> 

<FONT face=?2?> 

The Argonian Account 3<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can, at the mystic archives inside the arcane university. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Incident in Necrom<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Cheydinhal, can be found in the Willow bank<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Mystery of Talara IV<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in boss level conjurer and Necromancer loot. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Palla I<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in Arkveds tower, south of lake Poppad<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

The Wolf Queen III<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Bruma, cellar of the mages guild. <HR><FONT face=?2?> 


<FONT face=?2?> 

2920; Sun's Dawn<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Chapel of Julianos in Skingrad<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Before the Age of Man<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Chironasium inside the Arcane University<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

The Black Arts on Trial<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Mystic Emporium. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

The Firsthold Revolt<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in the Cheydinhal mages guild, downstairs. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Souls, Black and White<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations:Can be found in loot and one edition is lying on the second level of fort Cuptor<HR>
<FONT face=?2?> 


2920; Rain's Hand<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Chapel of Mara,  Cheydinhal<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

The Exodus<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Skingrad, chapel of Julianos <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Mystery of Talara II<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in boss level conjurer and necromancer loot. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Notes on Racial Philogeny<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Chorrol, chapel <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 


<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Leyawiin, Mages Guild, Library<HR>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Stealth Skills<HR>


A Dance in Fire 1<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Cheydinhal, inside Ganredhel's house<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

A Dance in Fire 4<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Cheydinhal, Ganredhel's house. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

The Black Arrow I<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Brindle home, north of Skingrad, in the home of Torbal the sufficient<br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Mystery of Talara I<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in boss level bandit and vampire loot. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 


<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Bravil, at S'krivva's house. <HR>

<FONT face=?2?> 
Light Armor<p>

Rislav the Righteous<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can only be found in bandit and Vampire loot. <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Ice and Chitin<br>

<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Leyawiin,  Ahdarji's house <br>

<FONT face=?2?> 

Lord Jornibret's Last Chance<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Bleak flats cave, can be found north-northeast of Skingrad. <br>
<FONT face=?2?> 

The Rear Guard<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Cheydinhal, dark brotherhood sanctuary <br>
<FONT face=?2?> 

The Refugees<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: First Edition bookstore in the Market District<HR>
<FONT face=?2?> 


<FONT face=?2?> 

A Dance in Fire 5<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in Bruma, in Regner?s house. <br>
<FONT face=?2?> 

The Black Arrow II<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in boss level vampire and bandit loot, <br>
and in the Cheydinhal Dark brotherhood sanctuary (underneath the abandoned house) <br>
<FONT face=?2?> 

Father of the Niben<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in Bravil, in the castle of Bravil. <br>
<FONT face=?2?> 

The Gold Ribbon of Merit<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in the Cheydinhal Dark brotherhood sanctuary. <br>
<FONT face=?2?> 

Vernaccus and Bourier<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Chorrol, is located in Renoit?s bookstore<HR>
<FONT face=?2?> 


2920; Sun's height<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in the Imperial city, in the market district, inside the offices of the horse courier. <br>
<FONT face=?2?> 

A Dance in Fire 6<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in Chorrol, in the house of Casta Scribonia<br>
<FONT face=?2?> 

A Dance in Fire 7<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Appears in boss and Vampire loot. <br>
<FONT face=?2?> 

The Buying game<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Imperial city, elven gardens district Inside Fathis Ules's house. <br>
<FONT face=?2?> 

The Wolf Queen IV<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Imperial City, in the market district, can be found in the Imperial commerce office<HR>
<FONT face=?2?>


<FONT face=?2?>
Advances in Lockpicking<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Top level of the fingerbowl cave, just northeast of Aleswell, north of the Imperial city<br>
March-Na's bookstore in Cheydinhal<br>
<FONT face=?2?>
The Locked Room<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Anvil, can be found in a cave below the castle of Anvil<br>
<FONT face=?2?>
Proper Lock Design<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: You can find this book in the Imperial city, in the waterfront district. Inside the house of Dareloth. <br>
<FONT face=?2?>
Surfeit of Thieves<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in boss level vampire and bandit loot. <br>
<FONT face=?2?>
The Wolf Queen I<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Bravil, inside Dro'Shanji's house<HR>
<FONT face=?2?>


2920; Last Seed<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in Bravil, in the house of City-Swimmer<br>

<FONT face=?2?>
Legend of Krately House<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: This books is located inside the Cloud Ruler Temple, in the library there. <br>

<FONT face=?2?>

Purloined Shadows<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: This you can only find as random loot. <br>

<FONT face=?2?>
Sacred Witness<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: antechamber complex inside the Lake Arrius caverns. <br>

<FONT face=?2?>
The Wolf Queen VII<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Cheydinhal, Dark Brotherhood sanctuary <HR><FONT face=?2?>

<FONT face=?2?>
2920; Second Seed<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Can be found in the Imperial City, inside the Imperial palace in councilor Ocato's chambers. <br>
<FONT face=?2?>

Biography of the Wolf Queen<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Imperial city, waterfront. Is found in the house of Armand Christophe<br>

<FONT face=?2?>

The Wolf Queen V<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Hastrel Ottus's house. Imperial City, temple district.  <br>

<FONT face=?2?>

The Wolf Queen VI<br>
<FONT face=?3?>
Locations: Cheydinhal Castle , lords quarters<HR>


// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。



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