L10N/TradeandCommerce/1.4/Dialogue/AdmQuest01 の変更点

FormID: 010063E1	AdmQuest01	GREETING	0	Greetings stranger my name is Scribonius Drall, retired merchant. I am currently selling my old store if you are interested. 	
__こんにちは。あまりお見かけしないお顔ですね。私はScribonius Drallという者です。昔は商売をしていましたが、今は隠居の身です。店の方も売りに出していましてね。興味はお有りですか?
FormID: 0100719E	AdmQuest01	GREETING	0	Its a pleasure to meet you, my name is Sophie Viserys. I will be your new shopkeeper from now on.	
__お会いできて光栄です。Sophie Viserysです。今日から店番を務めさせて頂きますね。
FormID: 0100719F	AdmQuest01	GREETING	0	Greetings, all is well.	
FormID: 01008648	AdmQuest01	GREETING	0	Have you checked the store yet?	
FormID: 010063DF	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopFirst	0	Yes, I am selling my old store. Why don’t you check it out first and then we can negotiate a price.	
FormID: 010063DF	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopFirst	1	The building is just across the street, next to the Northern Goods and Trade, here you'll need this key to get in.	
__店は通りを挟んで向かい側にあります。Northern Goods and Tradeの隣ですね。中に入れるよう、鍵をお渡ししておきましょう。
FormID: 010063E0	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopFirst	0	I wont start negotiating until you have visited the store.	
FormID: 010063E6	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopFirst	0	Well friend I am asking 10,000 Septims for the store, what do you say?	
__うーむ…。それでは10,000 Septimでいかがでしょう?
FormID: 010063E7	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopBuyHigh	0	Excellent friend, here is the deed to the shop.	
FormID: 010063E7	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopBuyHigh	1	If you want to buy furniture for your store you should speak with Seed-Nous at the Northern Goods and Trade.	
__店用の調度品を買いたいなら、Northern Goods and TradeのSeed-Neusに相談してごらんなさい。
FormID: 010063E7	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopBuyHigh	2	 Its a pleasure doing business with you. i'll be leaving Chorrol soon, good luck with your new enterprise.	
FormID: 010063E9	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopNoGold	0	Well, come back when you have the gold.	
FormID: 010063EB	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopNotInterested	0	Come back if you change your mind friend.	
FormID: 010071A1	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopOpenStore	0	We'll need to stock on merchandise and goods before we can open, else your customers will come to an empty store.	
FormID: 010071A1	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopOpenStore	1	Ten items should be enough, you can store them in any of the chests in the basement...	
FormID: 010071A1	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopOpenStore	2	I'll sort any items you store in those chests according to their value.	
FormID: 010071A2	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopOpenStore	0	Remember, we need at least ten items before we can open the store.	
FormID: 01007F56	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopOpenStore	0	Excellent, this should be enough to open the store.	
FormID: 01007F56	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopOpenStore	1	From now on I will try to sell all the items you store on the basement during the day.	
FormID: 01007F56	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopOpenStore	2	At the end of each day, Midnight, I will collect the sold items from the basement and send them to their buyers.	
FormID: 01007F56	AdmQuest01	AdmBuyShopOpenStore	3	Then I will deposit any gold made during the day in the strongbox in your office. 	
FormID: 01008D39	AdmQuest01	AdmScriboniusDrall	0	Oh, I am just and old trader. For thirty years I have run that store, it has made me a small fortune.	
FormID: 01008D39	AdmQuest01	AdmScriboniusDrall	1	But I am old and tired now, what good is all that gold if you cant spend it I say. So, I will sell it and move to nice manor.	
FormID: 01008D3B	AdmQuest01	AdmRunningStore	0	Its nothing complicated I assure you, specially for an adventurous fellow like yourself.	
FormID: 01008D3B	AdmQuest01	AdmRunningStore	1	All you have to do is hire someone to tend to your shop while you are gone and remember to keep it well stocked with all sort of items	

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