L10N/The_Pirate_Isles/0.7/Books/aaaJNFDSPIParleyNote4 の変更点


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*本文 [#gece1a31]

**原文 [#b74d1ba0]
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Greetings Captain<br>
I hope this information is of use to you.<br>
When Pirates command a superior Vessel they can easily confront any victim 
with Cannon fire, crippling the Ship and stimulating a quick surrender. However, 
Pirates rarely command superior Vessels, in fact, most often Pirates command 
small lightly armored but highly maneuverable Ships. For this reason, Pirates 
seldom rely on fire power. Instead, Pirates generally prefer to quickly 
board the enemy Ship, steal any goods, and rapidly retreat. Often, Pirates 
will be greatly outnumbered, but because Pirates employ various scare tactics 
they can paralyze their victims with fear.<br>
I hope this is to your interest. Good luck Captain.

**訳文 [#v27f2185]
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