L10N/The_Pirate_Isles/0.7/Books/aaaJNFDSPICheatBook の変更点


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**原文 [#j399fbe1]
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Important Tips.<br>
In order to get to Blackhorn and begin your Pirate adventure you can sleep for about 7 hours and be kidnapped, or you can travel to the Island of your own accord by swimming, sailing one of the many boat Mods or using the Rowboat docked at the "Anvil Smugglers Dock" behind Anvil Castle. If you make your own way to Blackhorn the initial quest where you are kidnapped will be canceled so you can sleep without worrying about the press gang coming to get you, but you will miss out on a short and informative quest which lets you know what to do next. Either way, once you are on Blackhorn Island you should look for Mecios Carcasdis in order to buy his Ship. Be sure to pickup the Ship's Log Book on the Captain's desk, it will provide valuable information throughout this Mod.<br>
Once you've purchased the Black Moon you will have access to the Captain's Rowboat positioned near to the Black Moon. This Rowboat can be sailed manually and can be summoned to your position (providing that you are facing the sea).<br>
To sail to different locations activate the Sextant in your Cabin (or one of the two Maps that you may purchase in this Mod). When you start Pirating or traveling with the Black Moon you will notice that your character is moved to the helm of the Ship as it sails across the sea. Although this may seem pointless I included it in order to simulate the traveling experience. It is also quite an important part of the Mod as you can pick up Castaways and acquire money for their rescue, and more importantly information from passing Ships. In order for any of this to happen you must move around the Ship, to the Bow (the front) and to the Crows Nest (when you have acquired that particular upgrade). The Information will be delivered to the Captain's Documents chest in your Cabin. Most of the information you receive from the passing Ships is inconsequential but there are a few messages that are quite important ie. the location of a powerful weapon, how to get a Map of Tamriel that will allow you to take your Ship to more locations, how to get a Map that will allow you go to the Shivering Isles (to have this option you must have first been to the SI, killed the Gatekeeper and traveled through the Gates of Madness, this is so we don't break any quests). To end the journey simply activate the door to your Cabin.<br>
Several Upgrades are available to you for your Ship and some parts of this Mod will only become available once the Ship has certain upgrades. Visit Brogar Halfhand in Blackhorn Town to purchase them, he will describe their use (he will also repair your Ship when it is damaged). When you have the Cannons and the Crows Nest you will be able to manually sail the Black Moon anywhere you wish, even while in the Shivering Isles.<br>
There is a Map hidden in the Black Moon somewhere, the original author of this Mod didn't want to just hand over the location, so out of respect for Dark Soul I will only say that it is right under your nose, look high and low and look carefully! Dark Soul didn't include a treasure to be found so I have made quite an impressive treasure that the map should lead you to (although it will take some thought).<br>
There are two companions available to you, one is Parrot the Imp who you can find with Terrif Catallo in Blackhorn, he will only be available once your Ship is fully upgraded. The second will become apparent once you have found the secret Map aboard the Black Moon and proceeded a little way into the quest.<br>
If your reading this you are cheating! <br>
This will give you a brief walkthrough of (hopefully) all that you need to know about this Mod. Firstly, this book is worth a fair bit, so use the painting to get a few copies to sell if you wish. The beginning:<br>
So far you have been drugged by Deaglin and have woken up in the bottom of a ship without your precious belongings. Head up the Ladder at the far end to gain access to the mid deck. There is a room half way along the mid deck where you will find a body on top of a crate. Open the crate and take the Vintage Rum.<br>
It will be useful later when you need to bribe Jimmy Swit into showing you the Pirate hideout. If you've already left the ship you can find some elsewhere, we will get to that later. Head up the ladder into the Captain's Cabin, you will find a chest with your belongings inside.<br>
Now go back to the mid deck and find the hole in the side of the ship to exit. Once outside you will be on Skull Island. In the distance you can see Blackhorn Town. You will have to swim there. Blackhorn is filled with interesting characters and it's worth your while to wander around getting to know the place and it's people.<br>
Blackhorn comes under attack once a day at noon, but only if you're there. The enemy ship will fire their Cannons at Blackhorn,  everyone is respawnable so no worries. You can return fire with the Dock mounted Cannons if you wish, although they are manned by the Blackhorn Militia who return fire without your help.<br>
If you want to travel anywhere either use your Ship (when you have it) or talk to Terrif Catallo who will be on the Dock during the day. Go to the Ship called the Black Moon at the far end of the Dock and talk to Mecios Carcasdis (if he's not there he'll be in the Bilge Monkey) and either do one of the side quests to get a cheaper price or buy the Ship for 5000 Septims.<br>
The side quests are pretty self explanatory, they involve a bit of traveling and talking to people, namely Count Ragoud and Risa the Fearless, both found in Cape Yakudra. If you need to travel back to Blackhorn talk to Alectis Cosades, in the office on the Dock.<br>
Once you have purchased the Black Moon Mecios  will give you a Map which will teach you a spell to teleport into your Cabin. You can use the Black Moon to travel around, but if you don't have any Crew it will be damaged. If you damage it too much it will not go anywhere and you will need to see Brogar Halfhand to fix it up.<br>
Before you can hire any crew you will need a First Mate, there are three options. Helontyr; in the Bilge Monkey, a pub on the other end of the Dock from your Ship. You will need a bottle of wine to bribe her. Either buy it from the Landlord or steal it from the shelf to the right as you walk in.<br>
Draghar; A Dremora who drinks in the Bilge Monkey or can be found in his Cabin. You'll need nothing to convince him, just choose the correct things to say to him. He will boost the price you pay for Crew.<br>
Alacanti; Go to the Slippery Wench Tavern in the evening and talk to Ahrzinni, he will give you some weird Skooma that will send you into a messed up dream world. Within this world you will find Alacanti. Talk to him fro a while then drink the other potion Ahrzinni gave you to leave the dream world.<br>
Go back to Ahrzinni and ask for more Skooma but with an extra potion to escape the dream world. Give the spare to Alacanti, then when you leave you will find Alacanti on the Dock near your boat. He will gladly become your First Mate.<br>
Now for your Crew. In the lower deck of the Bilge monkey will be a load of Pirates waiting to be hired. Once you have 6 or more you can go to your First Mate and tell them it's time to go looting.<br>
I believe that's everything you need to know, there is far more to do and see which you can find by yourself, enjoy!<br>
PS. As an ultimate cheater you may may be interested to know that inside the chest of drawers near the desk in your Cabin can be found a "Quick Fix Alter" and a "Hire Full Crew Alter" which will allow you to hire a full crew (although it does work this is largely untested and could cause you problems with hiring crew later so it is unrecomended), fully upgrade your Ship and many other useful cheating options. To get to it you will have to use TCL in your console or disable the drawers and enable afterwards.

**訳文 [#t297ecd9]
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Important Tips.<br>
Important Tips.<br>
Blackhornに行き、海賊の冒険を始めるには、7時間寝て誘拐されるか、泳いで島まで渡るか、船MODの一つで航海していくか、Anvil城の裏にある"Anvil Smugglers Dock"にあるRowboatを使うかで、出来ます。 もし、睡眠をとってギャング集団に誘拐されるというクエストをせずに、自力でBlackhornにたどりついた場合、次に何をしたら良いかを教えてくれる等の、短いが得るところの多いクエストをするチャンスを逃します。どちらの場合にせよBlackhorn島に辿り着いたら、船を購入するためにMecios Carcasdisを探すべきです。Captain's deskの上にあるShip's Log Bookを手に取れば、このMODの重要な情報を得られるでしょう。 <br>
Black Moonを購入すると、Black Moonの近くにあるCaptain's Rowboat(船長の漕ぎ舟)を利用できるようになります。このRowboatは手動で操作でき、近くに召喚することもできます。(海に面しているところであれば)<br>
航海で他の地域に行きたいときはキャビンにあるSextant(またはこのMODで購入できる2つの地図)をアクティベートしてください。Black Moonで海賊行為や旅を始める時、航海中に船の舵に移動している事に気づくでしょう。これは旅を疑似体験して欲しいので、私(作者)が追加した要素です。漂流者を助けて、見返りにお金を得たり、行きかう船と有益な情報を交換したりする要素も、このMODの重要な一部です。船の上、例えば船首やCrows Nest(メインマスト、これを得るには船の改良が必要です)を動き回ることで、何かが起こるかもしれません。交換した情報はキャビンの Captain's Documents chestの中にあります。行きかう船から得られる情報の多くは重要ではありませんが、中には非常に重要な物も入っています。非常に強力な武器の場所、あなたの船をさらに色々な場所へと運んでくれるTamrielの地図を入手する方法、 Shivering Islesへ行くための地図の入手方法等(SIへ行くにはGatekeeperを倒し、Gates of Madnessを通過している必要があります)。船上での旅を終わりにするにはキャビンのドアをアクティベートするだけです。 <br>
このMODでは船の様々な部分を改良できます、一度改良すると元に戻らないものもありますが。BlackhornにいるBrogar Halfhandを訪ねてみてください、彼が手を貸してくれます。(彼は船が傷ついた時には直してくれます。)Cannons(カノン砲)とCrows Nest(メインマスト)を付けると、Black Moonを手動で動かして、臨むがままの航海が可能です、たとえその場所がShivering Islesであっても。<br>
Black Moonのどこかに地図が隠されています。このMODのオリジナル作者(Dark Soulさん、本MODはそれにJNFさんが手を加えて改良したもの)は、その場所を明らかにしませんでした。なので Dark Soulさんに敬意を表して、私が言えるのは、注意深く、上をあるいは下を探してください、それは目と鼻の先にあります、という事だけです!Dark Soulさんは宝探しの要素を含んでいませんでしたが、私はその地図が導く先に感動的な宝を用意しました。(おそらく感動してもらえるはず)<br>
二人のコンパニオンが手に入ります、一人目はParrot the Impで、BlackhornにいるTerrif Catalloの傍で見つかるでしょう、彼は船の改良が完全に終わった時に、手に入ります。二人目はBlack Moonに隠された地図を発見して、そのクエストの途中で現れるでしょう。<br>
もしここから先を読むならあなたは不正行為(チート、ネタばれ)をしています! <br>
Deaglinのせいで意識が無くなり、貴重な持ち物なしで、船底で目覚めましたね。はしごで上にあがり、出るためにミッドデッキを通りました。ミッドデッキの部屋の真ん中あたりに、木箱の上に死体がありますが、その木箱を開けるとVintage Rumが手に入ります。<br>
これは後でJimmy Switに海賊の隠れ家を教えてもらうときのワイロとして、役に立ちます。 もし、それらを見つけて船を離れていたとしたら、その話はまた後で。はしごを上がり、船長のキャビンに行けば、チェストの中に持ち物を見つける事ができます。<br>
ミッドデッキに戻り、船の横に出口となる穴を見つけます。外に出るとそこはSkull Islandです。遠くにBlackhorn Townが見えるはずです。Blackhornは、面白いキャラクターで溢れており、人々や場所を回ってみることで、その場所が価値ある物だと分かるはずです。<br>
Blackhornは正午に一日一回攻撃を受けます、もしあなたがそこに居ればですが。敵船はカノン砲でBlackhornを攻撃するでしょう、すべての人間はrespawn(復活)するので、心配無用です。もしあなたがやりたいのであれば、ドックに設置されているカノン砲で報復可能ですが、あなたの助けがなくても、Blackhorn Militiaが報復攻撃をします。 <br>
もし、自分の船(船を持っていれば)を使わずに、別の場所に行きたいのなら、日中ドックに居るTerrif Catalloに話しかけてみてください。ドックの端にあるBlack Moonと呼ばれる船に行き、Mecios Carcasdisと話してください。(もしそこにいなければ、彼はBilge Monkeyにいるでしょう)そして、船を5000septimsで買うか、サイドクエストをこなしてより安い値段で買うかしてください。<br>
サイドクエストの詳細は省きますが、Cape Yakudraまで旅をして、Count RagoudとRisa the Fearlessに話しかけてみてください。Blackhornに戻る必要があるときはドックのオフィス内に居るAlectis Cosadesに話しかけてみてください。<br>
Black Moonを買うと、Meciosが地図をくれます。その地図はキャビンに戻る、テレポートのスペルを教えてくれます。Black Moonを使って周辺を航海できますが、クルーが居ないと、船は傷つきます。船の被害が大きいとどこへも行けなくなるので、Brogar Halfhandに頼んで、修理してもらう必要があります。<br>
Helontyr;Bilge Monkeyにいて、その酒場はあなたの船の反対側のドックにあります。ワインを送る必要があります。Landlordから買うか、右側の棚から盗み出しましょう。<br>
Draghar;DremoraでBilge Monkeyで酒を飲んでいるか彼の家でみつかるでしょう。贈り物は必要ありません。正解の選択肢を選び彼に話しかけてください。他のクルーを雇うときは、彼のせいで雇い賃が高くなるでしょう。 <br>
Alacanti;夜にSlippery Wench Tavernに行き、Ahrzinniに話しかけてください、彼は夢の世界へ連れて行ってくれる神秘的なSkoomaをくれます。その世界で、Alacantiを見つけることができるでしょう。彼と話をして、Ahrzinniがくれた別のポーションを飲むと、夢の世界からでることができます。<br>
次はクルーです。Bilge monkeyの下のデッキには海賊として雇われるのを待っている人たちが居ます。6人以上雇い、一等航海士に話しかければ、略奪の始まりです。<br>
PS. 究極的なチーター(ズルする人)として、キャビンの机の近くのchest of drawersの中に、"Quick Fix Alter"と"Hire Full Crew Alter"を見つける事ができます。それらは船を完全にアップグレードする機能と船員を満員まで雇う機能を持っています。(テストしてないので、問題が起こるかもしれないので、あまりお勧めしません)使いたければコンソールでTCLを使ってください。


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