L10N/The_Necromancer/1.5/Books/TNBookTowerofDawnInstructionManual の変更点


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<p><font face=2>Tower of Dawn Instruction Manual</font></p>
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Corpious Summonus: Tower of Dawn 
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<p><img src="Textures/Clutter/Books/thenecromancer/tnCorpiousSummonus.dds" width="256" height="256"> 
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Corpious Summonus devices are usually placed at the exact centre of a set of magicka crossover points that appear in special areas around the known world. The power at these crossover points determines what can or cannot be created or summoned. The weakest points allow you to create or summon basic Worm Thralls, stronger points allow you to create more powerful beings and give you a greater variety of choices.
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To summon creatures the Corpious Summonus must be placed over a spiritually sensitive area. To create creatures it needs only a large quantity of Magicka but the amount of Magicka needed limits what can be created. 
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The Corpious Summonus device fitted in the Tower of Dawn feeds off the Magicka Collector at the top of the tower which provides enough Magicka for basic Thrall creation and does away with the need for a Black Soul Gem during the creation process. These Thralls can be maintained via magical means thanks to their link to the Towers Magicka Collector.  
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To use Corpious Summonus you need to gather certain ingredients for the creature you wish to create. The Tower of Dawn was not built over any spiritually sensitive area and so runs purely off the Magicka the tower collects. This means it cannot summon powerful beings nor do you have a wide variety of choices. You are limited to Worm Thralls only. 
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1 Worm Thrall needs the following before it can be created. 
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1 Human Heart<br>
3 Mummy wrappings<br>


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