L10N/The_Necromancer/1.5/Books/TNBookAlessiastowers の変更点


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<p><font face=2>Alessia's Towers</font></p>
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<p><img src="Textures/Clutter/Books/thenecromancer/booktnalessuatower1.dds" width="256" height="256"> 
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<p>In the first ERA during Alessia's reign, an effort was made to understand and  use Ayleid technology in side the new Imperial Architecture that had began appearing around that time. The internal lighting seen in Ayleid cities was something   the fledgeling Empire felt would benefit it's own citizens. So an attempt to replicate it was made. </p>

<p>Ayleids believed Aetherius was the source of all magical power and had built collectors in several of their cities for the sole purpose of collecting that magicka as it fell to mundus. The Empire dismantled these devices and moved them to new locations so they might try and learn how the technology worked. 

<p>The chief Architect at the time was Alex Wirtleg. He believed it was possible to power several buildings using a single Magicka collector. He found getting the device to work was the easy part, collecting Magicka was what it was designed to do and the devices did that automatically. But using that Magicka to do anything useful eluded him. He died having still not discovered the Magicka Collectors secrets so project was abandoned.</p>

<p>Records show Alex Wirleg built 7 towers during his life time to help with his research. All had Ayleid Magicka Collectors fitted and all ended up in the hands of Mages after his death. The towers became know as Alessia's Tower after the Emperor ruled Cyrodiil at that time.</p>

<p>The Imperial Library provides several important facts about these towers. I have taken the Liberty of updating the information to reflect names and locations as we known them today. </p>

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<p><font size="4">Tower of Imperfection</font><br><br>
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  This was the first tower Alex built and whilst it suffered with a critically flawed design, it helped him understand how best to combine the Ayleid technology with his own buildings. This tower is found somewhere in the region of Lake Arrius, some sightings place it near a Shrine to Azura but I cannot confirm this since the locations of such shrines tend to be closely guarded secrets. 
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<p><font size="4">The Tower of Dawn.</font><br><br>
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  So called because it was said to have been built near the point on the horizon where the sun rises each morning over Cyrodiil. This tower was Alex Wirtlegs second attempt to get the Magicka collectors working with his towers but something went wrong and the entire tower vanished from Cyrodiil. Alex later fixed it when he found out it was appearing each night and disappearing again at Dawn. Magicka Collector was believed to have been to blame and was disabled by Alex at the time. Rumours persist that it was later reconnected may an unknown Mage and now powers a series of unholy devices but I cannot confirm this.</p>

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<p><font size="4">Worlds End Tower</font><br><br>
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  Also known in Alessia's time as Gloxiusflet, this tower was build just north of the Orange road that runs between Chorrol and Bruma. </p>

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<p><font size="4">Nelrazton Tower</font><br><br>
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  Found near the source of the Silverfish river, this tower represents Alex Wirtlegs  most successful project, unfortunately all signs of what made it a success have been looted from this tower over the centuries. </p>

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<p><font size="4">Jelizanto</font><br><br>
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  Jelizanto was take over by a Mage and shortly after that, it vanished from the history books, its location today is unknown. How it's location was removed from the Imperial library without leaving any traces in the documentation remains a mystery. Some say Alex forgot to write down it's location, others say all traces where removed via magical means for reasons unknown. Which ever is true, Jelizanto remains the largest of the Alessia towers, it's entire height given over to the collection of Magicka in an attempt to find out if quantity would work were quality failed. Needless to say the experiment failed and the tower was abandoned. </p>

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<p><font size="4">Kazalazta Tower</font><br><br>
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  This tower is found on the northern road that runs through the Jerall Mountains between Chorrol and Bruma. It is rather isolated and does not get many visitors. As such it is in the best condition of all the towers Alex built.</p>

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<p><font size="4">Hotrozinda</font><br><br>
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  Hotrozinda was Alex's favourite tower and remains in his family today. It's location on the Reed River pleased Alex greatly. Alex came from a long line of Topal Bay fisherman and was the only son to break away from that traditional family business. He eventually retired here an spent his last remaining fishing and fighting off mud crabs. </p>
<p>The Imperial Library has no records of the Magicka collectors ever working in any of the Alessia Towers but the last recorded entry was made by Alex Wirtleg him self just before the project was abandoned and no updates to it have been made since. </p>
<p>In all the years since then, no real attempt has been made to find out what happened to these towers except by the Mages Guild who believe that Jelizanto became the fabled Lost Tower of Necromunda. <br>

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