L10N/The_Heart_of_the_Dead/5.3/QuestStages/CMPQ の変更点

FormID: 0100B2A1	CMPQ	10	0	I believe there is much to learn and even more to gain here in this land, but I find myself facing the dangers and uncertainties alone.  Maybe I should look in the local taverns and inns and find others who would be willing to become my partners in a quest for adventure, wealth, and knowledge.
FormID: 0100B2A1	CMPQ	20	0	At last I have found others to join my party and share in my adventures.  I can use the Partners Ring to bring them back if they get separated from the group. 
__ようやく仲間をパーティーに迎え入れ、一緒に旅を分かち合えるようになった。Partners Ringを使えば、たとえグループと離れ離れになった時でも再会を果たす事が出来るだろう。

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