L10N/The_Great_Forest_Market/2.0/QuestStages/PsyGoldenSkullsQuest の変更点

FormID: 010199DA	PsyGoldenSkullsQuest	10	0	I have collected the 5 golden skulls from around the market at last. I also now seem to have acquired a mysterious key and the skulls have now vanished into thin air. This is very strange, maybe the skulls possessed some sort of magical energy? The key I have just got hold of reads [QUOTE]Stone Structure Key[QUOTE], whatever that means. I mean where could I find a stone structure in the market anyway?...
__ついに市場から5つの金色の頭蓋骨を集めた。その頭蓋骨は、神秘的なキーを手元に残し消え去った。非常に奇妙な出来事だが、頭蓋骨にはある種不思議なエネルギーのようなものがあったのではなかろうか?とにかくそれが何を意味しているかはさておき、私は今[QUOTE]Stone Structure Key[QUOTE]を手にしている。これは市場で、石の建造物を探せという意味ではなかろうか。
FormID: 010199DA	PsyGoldenSkullsQuest	20	0	I have entered a lost room under the big statue that stands tall in the marketplace. The room seems to be made from solid gold and is filled with treasure! I think I have hit the jack-pot here!
FormID: 010199DA	PsyGoldenSkullsQuest	5	0	I have seem to have found a strange golden skull. The skull reads [QUOTE]Elemental Skull[QUOTE]. Underneath that writing in very small letters I can also make out the words [QUOTE]1 of 5 elemental skulls[QUOTE]. If I come across any more of these skulls I ought to take them as they look very valuable.

__奇妙な金色の頭蓋骨を見つけなくては。頭蓋骨はおそらく[QUOTE]Elemental Skull[QUOTE]だろう。またメモによれば、[QUOTE]5つのうちの1の、elemental skulls[QUOTE]とある。とにかく5つ全て見つけ出すべきだろう。

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