L10N/The_Great_Forest_Market/2.0/Dialogue/PsyGreevasBurningQuest の変更点


FormID: 01033195	PsyGreevasBurningQuest	GREETING	0	Help me please my shop is in flames and my assistant is trapped in there too!	
FormID: 01033197	PsyGreevasBurningQuest	PsyQ04CalmDown	0	Oh thank you! Take these buckets of water and do hurry back!	
FormID: 01037CB2	PsyGreevasBurningQuest	GREETING	0	You did it did you not?! Oh well done and thank you my friend! 	
FormID: 01037CB2	PsyGreevasBurningQuest	GREETING	1	You don't have to tell me why you don't seem to have Jade, my assistant. I am truly sorry for her.	
FormID: 01037CB2	PsyGreevasBurningQuest	GREETING	2	She will get a proper burial and you my kind friend will get a reward. Here take this gold and this other token.	
FormID: 01037CB4	PsyGreevasBurningQuest	PsyQ04Cleanup	0	No thank you, you have done enough for me. My other assistant is in there now cleaning up, and boy is he fast!	
FormID: 01037CB4	PsyGreevasBurningQuest	PsyQ04Cleanup	1	Thanks for all your help and I will always remember this fine deed. Bye!	

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