L10N/The_Elder_Council/1.9/Dialogue/TecTaxQuest の変更点

FormID: 02029770	TecTaxQuest	TecTaxesBrinacrossinn	0	I need to you collect the taxes from the owner of the Brina Cross Inn  and bring them back to me. 	
__Brina Cross Innのオーナーから税金を徴収して持ち帰り、届けるように。 
FormID: 02029772	TecTaxQuest	TecTaxesFarengylinn	0	I need to you collect the taxes from the owner of the Faregyl Inn and bring them back to me.	
__Faregyl Innのオーナーから税金を徴収して持ち帰り、届けるように。
FormID: 02029774	TecTaxQuest	TecTaxesgrottshawinn	0	I need to you collect the taxes from the owner of the Gottshaw Inn and bring them back to me. 	
__Gottshaw Innのオーナーから税金を徴収して持ち帰り、届けるように。
FormID: 02029776	TecTaxQuest	TecTaxesRoxyinn	0	I need to you collect the taxes from the owner of the Roxey Inn and bring them back to me. 	
__Roxey Innのオーナーから税金を徴収して持ち帰り、届けるように。 
FormID: 02029778	TecTaxQuest	TecTaxesillOmenInn	0	I need to you collect the taxes from the owner of the Inn of Ill Omen and bring them back to me.	
__Inn of Ill Omenのオーナーから税金を徴収して持ち帰り、届けるように。
FormID: 0202977A	TecTaxQuest	TecTaxesDrunkenDragon	0	I need to you collect the taxes from the owner of the Drunken Dragon Inn and bring them back to me.	
__Drunken Dragon Innのオーナーから税金を徴収して持ち帰り、届けるように。
FormID: 0202977C	TecTaxQuest	TecTaxesImperialBridgeinn	0	I need to you collect the taxes from the owner of the Imperial Bridge Inn and bring them back to me.	
__Imperial Bridge Innのオーナーから税金を徴収して持ち帰り、届けるように。
FormID: 0202977E	TecTaxQuest	TecReturingtheTaxcollected	0	Good work, here is 100 GP.	
__よい仕事ぶりだ。給金として100 GP渡そう。
FormID: 02029780	TecTaxQuest	TecDemandTaxBrinaHonest	0	Here take it.	
FormID: 02029787	TecTaxQuest	TecDemandTaxFaregylHonest	0	Here take it.	
FormID: 02029788	TecTaxQuest	TecDemandTaxDrunkenHonest	0	Here take it.	
FormID: 02029789	TecTaxQuest	TecDemandTaxGrottHonest	0	Here take it.	
FormID: 0202978A	TecTaxQuest	TecDemandTaxillomenHonest	0	Here take it.	
FormID: 0202978B	TecTaxQuest	TecDemandTaxImperialBridgeHonest	0	Here take it.	
FormID: 0202978C	TecTaxQuest	TecDemandTaxroxyHonest	0	Here take it.	
FormID: 02029794	TecTaxQuest	TecDemandTaxBrinaCrooked	0	Here take it.	
FormID: 02029795	TecTaxQuest	TecDemandTaxDrunkenCrooked	0	Here take it.	
FormID: 02029796	TecTaxQuest	TecDemandTaxFaregylCrooked	0	Here take it.	
FormID: 02029797	TecTaxQuest	TecDemandTaxGrottCrooked	0	Here take it.	
FormID: 02029798	TecTaxQuest	TecDemandTaxIllomenCrooked	0	Here take it.	
FormID: 02029799	TecTaxQuest	TecDemandTaxImperialBridgeCrooked	0	Here take it.	
FormID: 0202979A	TecTaxQuest	TecDemandTaxRoxyCrooked	0	Here take it.	

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