L10N/The_Duelists/0.96/Dialogue/aaDialogueHamilton の変更点


FormID: 01013BA6	aaDialogueHamilton	GREETING	0	What is it, peasant?	
FormID: 01013BAA	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonWho	0	Yes, clearly you consume your share of carrots. 	
FormID: 01013BAA	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonWho	1	With your remarkable powers of observation, I'm sure you can see I'm of a loftier pedigree than the surrounding dregs.	
FormID: 01013BAB	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonWhat	0	If you must know, I have been hired to assist the count with elevating the condition of this squalid hamlet.	
FormID: 01013BAB	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonWhat	1	Needless to say, this will not be a facile undertaking.	
FormID: 01013BAB	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonWhat	2	On that note, the sooner you cease these silly inquiries the sooner I can return to my work!	
FormID: 01013BAE	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonInsult	0	I'll warn you only once.	
FormID: 01013BAE	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonInsult	1	If you goad me I will personally cut out your aggravating tongue as I've done with other countless others.	
FormID: 01013BB1	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonApologize	0	Good. Now get out of my sight.	
FormID: 01013BB2	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonInsultAgain	0	Enough! I will drive my sword into your impudent guts!	
FormID: 01013BB2	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonInsultAgain	1	Meet me outside the flooded mine north of town, and we'll settle this!	
__flooded mineで決着をつけようじゃないか!街の北にある鉱山だぞ。分かったか!
FormID: 01013BB6	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonAssistance	0	You certainly appear capable. Alright, I have just the job for your sort. 	
FormID: 01013BB6	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonAssistance	1	The local beggars and look to a local man, Milo, for their leadership and organization. 	
FormID: 01013BB6	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonAssistance	2	I want you to make a convincet Milo that it's in his best interests to leave Bravil - immediately.	
FormID: 01013BB6	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonAssistance	3	In return for your forthcoming service I offer 250 septims and a commendation. Do we have a deal?	
__首尾良く成功したら、見返りとして250 septimsと伯爵への推薦をやる。どうだ、やってみるつもりはないか?
FormID: 01013BB9	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonRefuseWork	0	Then get your sanctimonious ass out of this court, peasant!	
FormID: 01013BB9	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonRefuseWork	1	And who are you calling a snob? Do you know who I am?	
FormID: 01013BBA	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonAcceptWork	0	Excellent. You'll find Milo loitering near the stables. Just remember that the ends justify the means!	
FormID: 01013BC4	aaDialogueHamilton	GREETING	0	Who are you, one of Hamilton's thugs?	
FormID: 01013BC4	aaDialogueHamilton	GREETING	1	I've left the town proper. What do you want from me?	
FormID: 01013BC6	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonMiloGetout	0	So that's it, huh? No negotiation, no reasoning, just get my stuff and leave, eh?	
FormID: 01013BC6	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonMiloGetout	1	The people of Bravil are suffering, and the count is an ineffectual drunkard. 	
FormID: 01013BC6	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonMiloGetout	2	The people need me, and the only reason Hamilton wants me gone is because I'm the one voice that he can't seem to silence!	
FormID: 01013BC6	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonMiloGetout	3	The count and his cronies are a bunch of corrupt oligarchs who are sapping the life out of this town. Please, don't do this.	
FormID: 01013BCA	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonMiloDontCare	0	I've had enough! I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!	
FormID: 01013BCB	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonMiloReconsider	0	Thank you. The city of Bravil will be better for your decision.	
FormID: 01013BCC	aaDialogueHamilton	GREETING	0	I've heard that Milo is still lingering outside. What are you doing here?	
FormID: 01013BCE	aaDialogueHamilton	GREETING	0	I heard that you destroyed that nuisance. Fantastic	
FormID: 01013BCE	aaDialogueHamilton	GREETING	1	While I have your commendation ready, I'm afraid there will be a slight delay with pecuniary compensation.	
FormID: 01013BCE	aaDialogueHamilton	GREETING	2	It will be some time before we can render payment.	
FormID: 01013BCE	aaDialogueHamilton	GREETING	3	But be assured you have the thanks of myself and the count for a job well done!	
FormID: 01013BD0	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonLiar	0	You dare question my integrity? Are you insane?	
FormID: 01013BD0	aaDialogueHamilton	aaHamiltonLiar	1	You will die for this insult! Meet me outside the flood mine, north of town!	
__いいだろう、裏切り者には死あるのみだ!街の北のflood mineで決着を付けようじゃないか。
FormID: 01013BD2	aaDialogueHamilton	GREETING	0	Let me be clear - this a contest to the death. 	
FormID: 01013BD2	aaDialogueHamilton	GREETING	1	En garde!	

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