L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/QuestStages/LingBC19Vampire の変更点

FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	10	0	Duran Hotspur, the man I rescued from Bloodrun Cave, has hired the guild to rescue a friend of his. I will need to speak with Duran Hotspur in the inn of Silverhom-on-the-Water to find out the details of the contract.
__Bloodrun Caveで救出したDuran Hotspurが、今度は彼の友人を助け出して欲しいとギルドに依頼して来た。彼はSilverhom-on-the-Waterの宿にいる。現地へと向かい、契約の詳細を聞き出そう。
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	100	0	I was rewarded for completing the contract.
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	20	0	Duran Hotspur's friend, Genel Corwidge, has decided to try and become a vampire by joining the vampires inhabiting Fort Redman. I am to try and convince him to stop, or if I cannot do that to kill him so as not to allow him to live out a cursed existence. Fort Redman can be found by following the road south the Leyawiin until I come to a small bridge. Fort Redman is on the other side of the bridge.
__Duran Hotspurの友人Genel Corwidgeは、自らがvampireになる為にFort Redmanに巣食うvampireたちに仲間入りしようと試みているようだ。彼を説得し止めさせるか、さもなければ殺してでも阻止せねばならない。呪われた存在としての生を送らせてはならない。Fort RedmanはLeyawiin南の街道が小さな橋とぶつかる場所、その対岸にある。
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	25	0	I met Genel Corwidge in Fort Redmon and engaged him in conversation. He attempted to bribe me into allowing him to become a vampire however I refused. He decided to attack me and now I will need to kill him.
__Fort RedmanでGenel Corwidgeを見つけ、会話を交わした。彼はどうしてもvampireになりたいらしく賄賂まで渡そうとしてきたが、私が拒絶するのを見るなり攻撃を仕掛けて来た。こうなっては殺さざるを得ないだろう。
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	30	0	I engaged Genel Corwidge in conversation however he took offense at my poor attempts to convince him to stop and decided to attack me instead.
__Genel Corwidgeを止める為に会話を試みたが、掛ける言葉を間違えて反感を買ってしまった。憤慨した彼は私を攻撃してきた。
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	33	0	I've succeeded in killing Genel Corwidge. I need to return to Ajum-Kajin and tell him I have completed the contract.
__Genel Corwidgeの殺害に成功した。Ajum-Kajinの元へと戻り、契約完了の報告をしよう。
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	33	1	I've succeeded in killing Genel Corwidge. I need to return to Ja'Fazir and tell him I have completed the contract.
__Genel Corwidgeの殺害に成功した。Ja'Fazirの元へと戻り、契約完了の報告をしよう。
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	34	0	Ja'Fazir rewarded me for completing the contract.
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	34	1	Ajum-Kajin rewarded me for completing the contract.
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	35	0	I encountered Genel Corwidge in Fort Redman and had a conversation with him. He was able to bribe me with some gems in order to leave him alone and allow him to become a vampire. I'll need to return and tell Ja'Fazir that I was unable to complete the contract.
__Fort RedmanにてGenel Corwidgeと会い、会話を交わした。彼はどうしてもvampireになりたいらしく、放っておいてくれと言って、賄賂代わりに宝石を握らせてきた。Ja'Fazirの元へと戻り、契約失敗の報告をせねば。
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	35	1	I encountered Genel Corwidge in Fort Redman and had a conversation with him. He was able to bribe me with some gems in order to leave him alone and allow him to become a vampire. I'll need to return and tell Ajum-Kajin that I was unable to complete the contract.
__Fort RedmanにてGenel Corwidgeと会い、会話を交わした。彼はどうしてもvampireになりたいらしく、放っておいてくれと言って、賄賂代わりに宝石を握らせてきた。Ajum-Kajinの元へと戻り、契約失敗の報告をせねば。
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	36	0	I informed Ajum-Kajin of my failure.
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	36	1	I informed Ja'Fazir of my failure.
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	40	0	I was able to convince Genel Redman not to become a vampire. He will now go and get his vampirism disease dispelled. I can return to Duran Hotspur and tell him the good news.
__RedmanにいたGenelを説得し、vampire化を阻止出来た。vampirism病も治療されるだろう。これで、Duran Hotspurに良い報せを持って帰る事が出来る。
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	45	0	I met Genel Corwidge and was able to explain that if I was able to kill all of the vampirs up to this point that vampires must not be as strong as he thought after all. He agreed with this sentiment and decided to have his vampirism disease healed. I can return to Duran Hotspur and tell him the good news.
__Genel Corwidgeと会い、『この地のvampireを全滅させて見せよう。私にそれが可能ならば、結局奴らはお前が思うほど強大な存在ではないのだ。』と伝えた。彼は納得し、vampirism病の治療を決心してくれた。これで、Duran Hotspurに良い報せを持って帰る事が出来る。
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	50	0	I met Genel Corwidge in Fort Redman and engaged him in a conversation. Since I am a vampire I was able to convince him that the disadvantages of being a vampire outweigh the advantages. He agreed to stop trying to become a vampire. I can return to Duran Hotspur and tell him the good news.
__Fort RedmanにてGenel Corwidgeと会い、会話を交わした。私自身vampireであったので、vampireになるデメリットがメリットを上回る事を説明し、彼にvampire化を思い止まらせる事に成功した。これで、Duran Hotspurに良い報せを持って帰る事が出来る。
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	60	0	Duran Hotspur was immensely happy that I was able to save his friend. He gave me an extra reward for doing so. I also need to claim my payment from Ajum-Kajin.
__Duran Hotspurは友人の無事を知って格別に喜び、特別報酬を支払ってくれた。Ajum-Kajinからの報酬も忘れず貰っておこう。
FormID: 01027AB4	LingBC19Vampire	60	1	Duran Hotspur was immensely happy that I was able to save his friend. He gave me an extra reward for doing so. I also need to claim my payment from Ja'Fazir.
__Duran Hotspurは友人の無事を知って格別に喜び、特別報酬を支払ってくれた。Ja'Fazirからの報酬も忘れず貰っておこう。

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