L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/QuestStages/LingBC03Smuggle の変更点

FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	10	0	Once I've retrieved the lost ingredients I have to decide who to deliver them to. I can deliver them to the Blackwood Company, doing so would benefit the Company but it would also mean I would not receive payment. Or I can deliver them to the agent staying in the Five Claws Lodge, doing that would earn me my payment and it may also curry favour with the trader who hired the Blackwood Company.
__材料を取り戻したら誰に渡すべきかを決めなければならない。Blackwood Companyに渡せばCompanyの利益にはなるが自分の分け前が無い。一方Five Claws Lodgeに屯しているエージェントに渡せば自分の利益になる上に、Blackwood Companyの雇い主に対して恭順の意を示す事にもなる。
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	10	1	I've been assigned a contract to recover some lost goods. They were being trafficked across the border from Black Marsh when the caravan was lost. It is possible that they were attacked by bandits. I will need to start my search near Onyx Caverns. They can be reached by heading east out of Leyawiin to Veyond. From Veyond I head east-southeast to an Ayleid well, then straight east until I reach the cave.
__失われた交易品の奪還任務に当たる事になった。隊商が疾走したのはBlack Marsh国境に差し掛かった時の事であった。恐らく山賊に襲撃されたのだろう。まずはOnys Cavernsの近辺を探ってみる必要がある。現地に行くには、Leyawiinから東に向かいまずはVeyondの遺跡を目指す。遺跡に着いたら次は東南東のAyleid wellまで歩き、そこから真っ直ぐ東に行けば良い。
__失われた交易品の奪還任務に当たる事になった。隊商はBlack Marsh国境近くでが失踪したらしい。恐らく山賊に襲撃されたのだろう。まずはOnys Cavernsの近辺を探ってみる必要がある。現地に行くには、Leyawiinから東に向かいまずはVeyondの遺跡を目指す。遺跡に着いたら次は東南東のAyleid wellまで歩き、そこから真っ直ぐ東に行けば良い。
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	100	0	I delivered the ingredients to Ja'Fazir. I received no monetary reward but Ja'Fazir told me that if the ingredients were useful for anything he would tell me. I also received some ingredients.
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	105	0	I delivered the items to the agent residing in the Five Claws Lodge. He told me that from now on he will offer me some of his master's wares for sale. I now have to return to the Blackwood Company hall to receive my payment for the contract.
__荷物をFive Claws Lodgeに居るエージェントに届けた。彼はこれから雇い主の取扱い品を私にも流してくれるそうだ。さあBlackwood Company hallに戻り、任務の報酬を受け取ろう。
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	110	0	I received my payment for completing the contract.
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	15	0	I've found an abandoned cart on the way to Onyx Caverns.  An oddity so far off the roads, and more so by the obvious signs of struggle around it.  Some tracks are clear: three people took off running fast to the east, one lightly armored and two unarmored; five people walked off westward, two unarmored and surrounded by three heavily armored, but their tracks disappear.  I'd bet the three running are smugglers, and the armored one the leader...I should track them down first.
__Onys Cavernsへの道すがら、打ち棄てられた荷馬車を発見した。異変は明らかで、車は街道から離れた場所にあり争いの形跡がうかがえた。いくつか足跡がはっきり残っている。3人は東へと走り去って行ったらしい。1人は軽装鎧を着込み、2人は鎧を着用していない。また5人は西へ歩いて行ったようだ。こちらは重装鎧の3名と、彼らに囲まれた無防備の2名という構成だ。しかし彼らの足跡は途中で消えてしまっている。恐らく走り去った3名は密売人で、軽装鎧を着込んでいるのがリーダーなのだろう。まずは奴らの追跡をするべきだ。
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	20	0	I've found the bodies of two smugglers....they had attracted a number of rabid wolves, but the wolves didn't kill them and there are no sign of the items on their bodies. Ja'Fazir mentioned bandits being in Onyx Caverns, and there are tracks heading into the cave. I think I'll have to check the place out.
__密売人2名の死体を発見した。彼らの負傷は血に飢えた狼たちを惹き付けたようだが、死因は獣たちにあるのではないようだ。なぜなら遺品が残されていない。Ja'Fazirが言うには山賊たちはOnyx Cavernsに居り、足跡もその洞窟に向かって続いている。洞窟を探索しなければならないだろう。
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	20	1	I've found the bodies of two smugglers....they had attracted a number of rabid wolves, but the wolves didn't kill them and there are no sign of the items on their bodies. Ja'Fazir mentioned bandits being in Onyx Caverns, and there are tracks heading into the cave. I think I'll have to check the place out.  My alliance with the Black Bow Bandits would probably have made this easier...if I had remembered to bring my bow with me.
__密売人2名の死体を発見した。彼らの負傷は血に飢えた狼たちを惹き付けたようだが、死因は獣たちにあるのではないようだ。なぜなら遺品が残されていない。Ja'Fazirが言うには山賊たちはOnyx Cavernsに居り、足跡もその洞窟に向かって続いている。洞窟を探索しなければならないだろう。私はBlack Bow Banditsと協力関係にあるので話は早いはずだ。私がちゃんと自分の弓を携帯している限りにおいてではあるが。
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	20	2	I've found the bodies of two smugglers....they had attracted a number of rabid wolves, but the wolves didn't kill them and there are no sign of the items on their bodies. Ja'Fazir mentioned bandits being in Onyx Caverns, and there are tracks heading into the cave. I think I'll have to check the place out.  My alliance with the Black Bow Bandits may be about to pay its first dividends.  Provided I don't do anything stupid.  Or they don't.
__密売人2名の死体を発見した。彼らの負傷は血に飢えた狼たちを惹き付けたようだが、死因は獣たちにあるのではないようだ。なぜなら遺品が残されていない。Ja'Fazirが言うには山賊たちはOnyx Cavernsに居り、足跡もその洞窟に向かって続いている。洞窟を探索しなければならないだろう。私とBlack Bow Banditsとの関係からして、最初の分け前は私の物だ。私が馬鹿な気を起こさず、彼らも起さない限りにおいては。
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	20	3	I've found the bodies of two smugglers....they had attracted a number of rabid wolves, but the wolves didn't kill them and there are no sign of the items on their bodies. Ja'Fazir mentioned bandits being in Onyx Caverns, and there are tracks heading into the cave. I think I'll have to check the place out.  My alliance with the Black Bow Bandits would have been useful here....if I hadn't let my bounty lapse.
__密売人2名の死体を発見した。彼らの負傷は血に飢えた狼たちを惹き付けたようだが、死因は獣たちにあるのではないようだ。なぜなら遺品が残されていない。Ja'Fazirが言うには山賊たちはOnyx Cavernsに居り、足跡もその洞窟に向かって続いている。洞窟を探索しなければならないだろう。Black Bow Banditsとのコネが役に立ちそうだ。私に掛かった賞金が清算されてさえいなければ。
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	20	4	I've found the bodies of the two unarmored smugglers....they had attracted a number of rabid wolves, but the wolves didn't kill them and there are no sign of the items on their bodies. Ja'Fazir mentioned bandits being in Onyx Caverns, and the armored tracks head into the cave along with some others. I think I'll have to check the place out.  My alliance with the Black Bow Bandits would have been useful here....if I hadn't let my bounty lapse.
__非武装の密売人2名の死体を発見した。彼らの負傷は血に飢えた狼たちを惹き付けたようだが、死因は獣たちにあるのではないようだ。なぜなら遺品が残されていない。Ja'Fazirが言うには山賊たちはOnyx Cavernsに居り、足跡もその洞窟に向かって続いている。洞窟を探索しなければならないだろう。Black Bow Banditsとのコネが役に立ちそうだ。私に掛かった賞金が清算されてさえいなければ。
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	20	5	I've found the bodies of the two unarmored smugglers....they had attracted a number of rabid wolves, but the wolves didn't kill them and there are no sign of the items on their bodies. Ja'Fazir mentioned bandits being in Onyx Caverns, and the armored tracks head into the cave along with some others. I think I'll have to check the place out.  My alliance with the Black Bow Bandits may be about to pay its first dividends.  Provided I don't do anything stupid.  Or they don't.
__非武装の密売人2名の死体を発見した。彼らの負傷は血に飢えた狼たちを惹き付けたようだが、死因は獣たちにあるのではないようだ。なぜなら遺品が残されていない。Ja'Fazirが言うには山賊たちはOnyx Cavernsに居り、足跡もその洞窟に向かって続いている。洞窟を探索しなければならないだろう。私とBlack Bow Banditsとの関係からして、最初の分け前は私の物だ。私が馬鹿な気を起こさず、彼らも起さない限りにおいては。
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	20	6	I've found the bodies of the two unarmored smugglers....they had attracted a number of rabid wolves, but the wolves didn't kill them and there are no sign of the items on their bodies. Ja'Fazir mentioned bandits being in Onyx Caverns, and the armored tracks head into the cave along with some others. I think I'll have to check the place out.  My alliance with the Black Bow Bandits would probably have made this easier...if I had remembered to bring my bow with me.
__非武装の密売人2名の死体を発見した。彼らの負傷は血に飢えた狼たちを惹き付けたようだが、死因は獣たちにあるのではないようだ。なぜなら遺品が残されていない。Ja'Fazirが言うには山賊たちはOnyx Cavernsに居り、足跡もその洞窟に向かって続いている。洞窟を探索しなければならないだろう。私はBlack Bow Banditsと協力関係にあるので話は早いはずだ。私がちゃんと自分の弓を携帯している限りにおいてではあるが。
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	20	7	I've found the bodies of the two unarmored smugglers....they had attracted a number of rabid wolves, but the wolves didn't kill them and there are no sign of the items on their bodies. Ja'Fazir mentioned bandits being in Onyx Caverns, and the armored tracks head into the cave along with some others. I think I'll have to check the place out.
__非武装の密売人2名の死体を発見した。彼らの負傷は血に飢えた狼たちを惹き付けたようだが、死因は獣たちにあるのではないようだ。なぜなら遺品が残されていない。Ja'Fazirが言うには山賊たちはOnyx Cavernsに居り、足跡もその洞窟に向かって続いている。洞窟を探索しなければならないだろう。
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	30	0	Deep in the Onyx Caverns I found one of the smugglers. Apparently he was planning on betraying his fellow smugglers in order to lure them into a trap, but the caravan was caught by Imperial Foresters before he was able to do so. He will now escort me to the Imperial Forester outpost where the other smugglers are being held. Once there I should try to take the goods from the evidence chest. Doing so will then cause the Imperial Foresters to attack me.
__Onyx Cavernsの奥で密売人の1人と会った。彼は密売人仲間を裏切り彼らを罠に掛けようと計画していたが、隊商がImperial Forestersに検挙される事になったので未遂に終わったらしい。彼は密売人達が囚われたImperial Forestersの支所まで私を連れて行くつもりだ。現地に着いたら証拠品をチェストから回収しなければ。Imperial Forestersから攻撃される事にはなりそうだが。
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	40	0	The outpost lies beyond the tree ahead of me. I need to take the goods from out of the evidence chest to get the guards to attack me.
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	45	0	I decided to kill the smuggler rather than trust him. I still have to get the ingredients though.
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	50	0	The smuggler betrayed me and attacked me after my battle with the Imperial Foresters. Now to get the ingredients.
__Imperial Forestersとの戦いの後、密売人は私を裏切って攻撃を仕掛けて来た。材料を手に入れなければ。
FormID: 01000CE9	LingBC03Smuggle	60	0	Now that I have the ingredients I need to decide who to deliver them to. Ja'Fazir in the Blackwood Company hall, or the agent in the Five Claws Lodge.
__材料を入手した。誰に渡すか決めなければ。Blackwood Company hallにいるJa'Fazirか、Five Claw Lodgeにいるエージェントのどちらかだ。

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