L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Dialogue/LingBC21Renrijra の変更点

FormID: 0102A37B	LingBC21Renrijra	LingBC21RenrijraContract	0	The contract is to hunt down and kill one of their traitors. He absconded with a lot of skooma and joined the conjurers residing in Fort Blackboot. Who knows why? Stupid if you ask me.
__お前にやって貰いたい仕事は、裏切り者の一人を追跡して始末してくる事だ。奴は大量のskoomaを持ち逃げしてFort Blackbootを根城とする魔術師団のところへと亡命しやがった。理由?そんなもの俺が知るか、阿呆めが。
FormID: 0102A37B	LingBC21Renrijra	LingBC21RenrijraContract	1	If you find any remains of the skooma then it would probably be a good idea to bring them back. The contract doesn't specifiy to that but I'm sure that the Renrijra Krin would be willing to offer a bonus for it.
__手付かずのskoomaを見つけたら、持って帰ってくるのもいいかもな。契約書にはそんな仕事は明記されてないが、Renrijra Krinなら喜んでボーナスを付けてくれるはずだぜ。	
FormID: 0102A37B	LingBC21Renrijra	LingBC21RenrijraContract	2	To find Fort Blackboot you will need to go to Bravil. From there you will need to head out into the West Weald. Head westward from Bravil. It is quite out of the way so you will need to look hard.
__Fort Blackbootに辿り着くには、まずはBravilに行け。次はそこからWest Weald方面に向かえ。Bravilから西の方向だぞ。街道からかなり外れたところにあるから、注意して探せよ。
FormID: 0102A37C	LingBC21Renrijra	LingBC21RenrijraContract	0	Good job in hunting down your target. Nice to see that you were able to retrieve some skooma from his body as well.
FormID: 0102A37C	LingBC21Renrijra	LingBC21RenrijraContract	1	Now that I think about it we could actually do two things with this skooma. On the one hand we could turn it over to the Renrijra Krin, but we could also hand it over to the city watch. They reward anyone who turns over skooma.
__さて、skoomaの処分についてだが、選択肢は2つあるぞ。Renrijra Krinに渡す手もあるし、city watchに届けるという手もある。憲兵にskoomaを引き渡せば誰でも報酬が貰えるんだ。
FormID: 0102A37C	LingBC21Renrijra	LingBC21RenrijraContract	2	What would you prefer to do? Should we turn the skooma over to the Renrijra Krin, or to the city watch?
__どちらにするか、好きな方を選びな。skoomaをRenrijra Krinに渡すか、それともcity watchに渡すか?
FormID: 0102A37E	LingBC21Renrijra	LingBC21ToTheRenrijraKrin	0	As you wish sir. Here is the payment for the contract, and also the bonus we expect. I'll get the money from the Renrijra Krin later.
__あいよ、仰せのままに。これが仕事の報酬で、こっちはお楽しみのボーナスだ。Renrijra Krinからは後で金を貰っておくよ。
FormID: 0102A380	LingBC21Renrijra	LingBC21ToTheCityGuard	0	As you wish sir. Here is the payment for the contract, along with the reward I suspect we will get from the guards.

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