L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Dialogue/LingBC18Necromancer の変更点

FormID: 010275B5	LingBC18Necromancer	LingBC18BlankenmarchContract	0	They've hired us for another simple job. There is a fairly large number of necromancers hiding out in Fort Doublecross. It is just a short way to the north east of Blankenmarch.
__新しい依頼だぞ。何、単純な仕事だ。Fort Doublecross内にかなり大規模なNecromancerの集団が潜伏しているらしい。Blankenmarchから北西方面へ出てすぐの場所だ。	
FormID: 010275B5	LingBC18Necromancer	LingBC18BlankenmarchContract	1	You need to go there and kill the Necromancer Adept inside. There isn't any reason for us to try killing the villagers again, so I think it would be best if you just completed the contract as it is.
FormID: 010275B6	LingBC18Necromancer	LingBC18BlankenmarchContract	0	Once you've killed the Necromancer Adept you can come back here and I will give you the standard payment for completing a contract. Quite a nice thing of you to continue taking contracts even though you have attained the leadership.
FormID: 010275B7	LingBC18Necromancer	GREETING	0	Oh I'm saved! I thought I was gone for.
FormID: 010275B8	LingBC18Necromancer	LingBC18WhatHappened	0	Our undead servants , we lost control of them some how. They went rampant, killed all of the others. I'm the only one left.
FormID: 010275B8	LingBC18Necromancer	LingBC18WhatHappened	1	I though that I was going to die until I saw your face. If you are here then you must have been able to kill all of the undead. Please, I beg you, let me go free. I can offer you a nice magical amulet if you do.	
FormID: 010275BA	LingBC18Necromancer	LingBC18KillHim	0	I won't go down that easily!
FormID: 010275BC	LingBC18Necromancer	LingBC18SpareHim	0	Oh thank you, thank you. I truly appreciate your kindness. I'll go far away from this area and never come back. Here, the amulet, take it.
FormID: 010275BD	LingBC18Necromancer	LingBC18BlankenmarchContract	0	You were able to kill him with no problems? As expected of you. Here is the payment for the contract.

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