L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Books/LingBCArmourList の変更点

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*本文 [#fc054ae0]

**原文 [#d945fe99]
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<font face="1".The following pieces of armour may be traded in exchange for the necessary ingredients.<br>
Blackwood Cuirass - 8 pieces of Ebony<br>
Blackwood Greaves - 5 pieces of Ebony<br>
Blackwood Shield - 5 pieces of Ebony<br>
Blackwood Boots - 4 pieces of Ebony<br>
Blackwood Gauntlets - 4 pieces of Ebony<br>
Blackwood Helmet - 3 pieces of Ebony.<br>
Enchanted Blackwood Cuirass - 8 pieces of Ebony, 4 Welkynd Stones.<br>
Enchanted Blackwood Greaves - 5 pieces of Ebony, 3 Welkynd Stones. <br>
Enchanted Blackwood Shield - 5 pieces of Ebony, 3 Welkynd Stones.<br>
Enchanted Blackwood Boots - 4 pieces of Ebony, 3 Welkynd Stones.<br>
Enchanted Blackwood Gauntlets - 4 pieces of Ebony, 3 Welkynd Stones.<br>
Enchanted Blackwood Helmet - 3 pieces of Ebony, 2 Welkynd Stones.<br>
Your best chance at finding Ebony is to explore the mines in the area around Cheydinhal. That area being closest to Morrowind is where most of the Ebony deposits in this region are found. Look for chests marked as Ebony Storage Barrels to find the Ebony inside. You may also find that some merchants stock the raw Ebony as well.

**訳文 [#s58a3d32]
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<font face="1".下記の装備品は、必要な材料と引き換えに交換することができる。<br>
Blackwood Cuirass - Ebonyの欠片を8個。<br>
Blackwood Greaves - Ebonyの欠片を5個。<br>
Blackwood Shield - Ebonyの欠片を5個。<br>
Blackwood Boots - Ebonyの欠片を4個。<br>
Blackwood Gauntlets - Ebonyの欠片を4個。<br>
Blackwood Helmet - Ebonyの欠片を3個。<br>
Enchanted Blackwood Cuirass - Ebonyの欠片を8個、Welkynd Stonesを4個。<br>
Enchanted Blackwood Greaves - Ebonyの欠片を5個、Welkynd Stonesを3個。<br>
Enchanted Blackwood Shield - Ebonyの欠片を5個、Welkynd Stonesを3個。<br>
Enchanted Blackwood Boots - Ebonyの欠片を4個、Welkynd Stonesを3個。<br>
Enchanted Blackwood Gauntlets - Ebonyの欠片を4個、Welkynd Stonesを3個。<br>
Enchanted Blackwood Helmet - Ebonyの欠片を3個、Welkynd Stonesを2個。<br>
Your best chance at finding Ebony is to explore the mines in the area around Cheydinhal. That area being closest to Morrowind is where most of the Ebony deposits in this region are found. Look for chests marked as Ebony Storage Barrels to find the Ebony inside. You may also find that some merchants stock the raw Ebony as well.
Ebonyを収集するのに最も効率の良い方法は、Cheydinhal地域周辺の採掘坑を探索することだ。Morrowindに一番近いこの領域は、この地方において埋蔵Ebonyの発見数が最多を誇る場所だ。Ebony Storage Barrelsの印がしてある宝箱を探して、中にEbonyが入っていないか調べてみると良い。未加工のEbony以外にも、何か商業品が見つかるかもしれない。


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