L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Books/AATESFUSong の変更点

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Tamrielic Songs: <br>
A collection of works throughout the land<br>
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By Thenruir, Scribe<br>
I understand many of these may be controversial, but the empire has deemed it possible to be published, no matter how dirty the song, no matter how tough the patriotism is for the empire, they are allowing this. Thus, I will publish this, as it's an Imperial Citizen's nature to live and breathe with song.<br>
This first work is an old song by the Skaal, which I collected in my travels around Solstheim.<br>
We are the All-Maker's children<br>
We are the Greedy Man's enemies<br>
We are free by right,<br>
But the Empire has come<br>
And want to dominate all.<br>
They rip the land apart,<br>
They disgrace the All-Maker<br>
They destroy the forests,<br>
And polute the rivers.<br>
They come bringing war,<br>
To our peaceful land.<br>
Our peaceful land of Solsthiem.<br>
They come with their false gods,<br>
They come with their lies,<br>
Lies about peace and prosperity.<br>
But we know.<br>
We know that all they want<br>
Is power and wealth,<br>
And once they take all of us,<br>
They'll just go away<br>
And leave us to die.<br>
So there can be no peace,<br>
No peace with Imperials,<br>
Man of stone and steel and lies.<br>
There can be only war!<br>
But now it's getting worse,<br>
The Bloodmoon prophecies have started,<br>
And Hircine's Hounds walk the land,<br>
Killing all in their path.<br>
And until the Great Hunt has ended<br>
And the Bloodmoon is gone,<br>
We won't live in peace<br>
As the All-Maker ment us to be.<br>
This work is a hymn of the ancient ashlanders of Vvardenfell. Oddly enough, I recovered this in Necrom, near the eastern harbour.<br>
The vacant glow of our Hearth<br>
The subtle warmth of our Brethren<br>
The ashy skies lay waste to our camps<br>
The tedious Blight kills off our herds<br>
We stand persecuted and banished from our Good Lands<br>
Forced into the backcountry, like savages and dogs<br>
Imperials and fake Dunmer alike, our own blood<br>
The false Great Houses and Temple and Churches<br>
All take no heed in our pain<br>
Lord Nerevar proclaimed our rights<br>
With One-Clan-Under-Moon-And-Star<br>
We await the day our servitude is reaped and rewarded<br>
We await the fall of the Devil and the False Gods<br>
We yearn for unity between Clan and House<br>
We pray for the Imperial yolk to leave our shores<br>
Our shoulders free from the weight of unjust who return<br>
Back to the west, and so Vvardenfel is once again Resdayn, anon Velothi<br>
Seven Trials and Seven Curses within Seven Visions test the Incarnates<br>
Many fall, but One remains<br>
It seems that there are not many outlandish works to be found in Tamriel, but I will continue to look, and add to the songs of Tamriel. 

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