L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Books/AAResurfacings6 の変更点

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The Attempted Resurgence of the Illusionist, Part Six<br>
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Part Six, Trials and Tribulations, 27th of Sun's Dusk<br>
Adruin could not find a reasonable option for getting out of this mess. There was no way to communicate with the others, and they had the added problem of being tortured if not executed for hours on end. It seemed that the group's newfound confidence had ended with a whimper. It was still hard to digest that Vincente, was actually behind all of this. Sure, he was the one who said everything about Jagar Tharn, his incarnate, but we thought he was being controlled. Well, perhaps it's true that he was brainwashed, but it was by Jagar Tharn, the man's mentor himself. Adruin just couldn't comprehend a man so evil, even in his days of assasinations for various groups. So, Adruin figured there was no way to fight this man, and bowed to him. Without torture, or threat, Adruin asked to be the servant of Vincente...of the soon to be emperor. Adruin requested to eliminate those who he had banded with just before, and Vincente accepted. <br>
Cornelius woke up, on the floor of the Imperial City's Arena, or could it be the Arena, or an illusion? Right now, Sintav had no clue, all he saw was the shield sitting beside him. Directly next to him was Varus, who had woken up from what looked like a daze himself. Seated upon the emperor's throne was Vincente himself, admiring his stature once more. And directly in front of them was a helmeted figure, adorned in terrifying daedric armor, and pointing a lance right at them, while mounted on a black horse. The sight was horrifying, and of course, Cornelius realized right away who was behind the mask, none other than Adruin himself. "Adruin!" Cornelius yelled, "We have not given up yet! Do not spend your energy on us, instead, go after whom you know is your enemy!" This obviously had no effect, as Adruin charged forward.<br>
The cheers from the arena, as the Cult looked on with glee. The master illusionist had once again proven himself as the true force. That is of course, until the former legionaire blocked back the rider's great daedric spear, pulling it violently from his hands, piercing him between the neck, throwing him off the horse, and mounting himself in one fell swoop. Cornelius himself let out a blood-curdling cry, attempting to strike fear in the enemy. Either way, he had become in a fit of rage he had never shown before. <br>
Cornelius then contained himself, ordering Varus to go after Vincente, while he'd attempt to hold off the members of the cult. Cornelius well-knew he'd die in this event, but they only had one chance to stop this illusionist from taking to the throne, and Varus met him while levitating in the air, taking him mage against mage. Varus, schooled in the arts of destruction and restoration, would have to combat illusion with flurries of fireball spells, shock spells, and perhaps an added bit of absorbing anything Vincente had.<br>
The duel started with Vincente, once again, chuckling. "Varus, nice to see you, it's interesting to see you have a bit of hope. Congratulations on killing Adruin, who had fallen to my own fear I bestowed upon him." Trying to take away what little confidence Varus had, instead, it made him bellow with rage. He concentrated on Vincente, and only Vincente, hoping to find some magical solution to this problem.<br>
He found it. Vincente, had managed to be careless about something after all. The staff of chaos was left on the throne after he had gotten up to duel. With a quick levitation spell, the staff was in the air, and then in Varus's hand. With a quick spark, the arena changed back into the familiar confines of the old way. Now it was fair game, Cornelius was wounded, but the cult was in disarray. Anything Vincente tried, Varus could counter, and with a deadly bolt of lightning, Vincente fell harmlessly to the ground.<br>
So ended the rule of a tyrant who never truly saw the light of day.<br>
Epilogue, 30th of Sun's Dusk: The burial of Cornelius and Na-Wur was tragic to Varus. They represented to the hope and confidence that Varus himself had with his attack on Vincente, and to see them go meant Varus was alone once more, tired, and not knowing what to do with his old age. He would hide this story from Ocato, instead saying they died tragically against bandits, which, he thought was somewhat true. It was not the time to share such things, on the eve of an empire in crisis. 

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