L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Books/AAResurfacings5 の変更点

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The Attempted Resurgence of the Illusionist, Part Five<br>
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Part Five, The Illusionist, 26-27th of Sun's Dusk<br>
The smile on Martin's face widened, "hello all, welcome to my humble aboad," he stated, and continuing, "You may be wondering why I happen to be living. I'll re-assure to you that this certainly isn't the emperor you're used to seeing." Suddenly, the group still speechless and now aghast at what they were seeing. The emperor's face had changed to serious, and then to deformed, forming and changing in ways unimaginable. <br>
Vincente laughed a remarkably villanous laugh, and stared coldly directly at the group.<br>
Vincente then started off, fooling around with them. He turned at once invisible, and grasped the necks of Cornelius, and Varus, then let them go, using his unknown mastery of illusion frighten the adventurers as nothing before it. "Myself, I have grand aspirations, and I'm sure you'd care to the hear them." Vincente continued,"I intend to restore what Jagar Tharn promised to the empire, and I'll dominate the throne in a form one way or another for years and years to come. After all, you've seen my prowess in the school of illusion, haven't you? It's funny, how you thought I was constantly on your side..."<br>
Cornelius felt a shiver, after all, he was the one responsible for even taking this reluctant healer on the adventure. He was the one who felt it could be a good idea to find him as the diplomat, how could he not sense the evil then? This man could depose the empire, and there weapons were no match for him...<br>
Vincente moved forward toward Na-Wur, glaring incessantly directly into him, and spat in his face. "When I rule the empire, you're pathetic race will be the first to die." All the other party members tried to lunge forward, but were stunned from the back by spells from other members of Vincente's cult. "Ah, so you've met my followers, I'm sure you're familiar with Hulgar. He's the chieftan who disintegrated, no? I'll assure you that's an old illusion trick, he's actually completely fine." <br>
From here, Vincente proceeded with decapitating Na-Wur, and violently bashing the corpse against the wall, using telekinesis. "These lizards are nothing but slaves, if they should even exist on this world." The others exchanged glances, but were than slapped, and told to look only forward. "Yes, you will obey me, and be part of my elaborate plan. Oh, and what about the staff of chaos, you ask?" Vincente proceeded in lifting his cloak, underneath was a misshapen staff, in his own possession. "I've had that taken care of as well. Comrades, blindfold these fools, and proceed to torture them to the best of your abilities. They will become valuable agents of the new Imperial Dynasty soon enough."<br>


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