L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Books/AAResurfacings4 の変更点

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The Attempted Resurgence of the Illusionist, Part Four<br>
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Part Four, Under the Voice of the Emperor, 22nd of Sun's Dusk<br>
It had happened so abruptly, but entropy, being broken down, chaos, could this mean the staff of chaos? Thoughts like these reverberated through Cornelius's head, but where? Where is below the emperor's voice? The emperor no longer lived, so what could this be a metaphor for? Adruin was on top of things, and remembered the Real Barenziah, which talked about the staff of chaos in detail. According to it, it's what defeated Jagar Tharn in the first place, so it's obvious the one who sent this knew we needed help. Who could've known in the first place though? And, this under the emperor's voice was another matter. <br>
The party was stumped, it seemed near-impossible to know what under the voice meant, however, Varus suggested it could possibly be under the Imperial Palace. They thought that would certainly be an important place to check, however, there was no way of getting inside. Desperate, but without answers, the group asked everyone, but found no answer. It had been four days, and it seemed that every bit of time wasted was making this Jagar Tharn plot even more problematic. However, it was on this day, the 26th of Sun's Dusk, that Na-Wur recieved the Black Horse Courier. Headlining the front page: Palace Break In?<br>
Another break-through perhaps? Na-Wur knew they couldn't simply waltz through the palace, but at least they had some hope that it could be done to go under it. Na-Wur also heard it was suggested the thieves guild had entered, and being acquainted with the thieves guild, he paid Armand Christophe a visit, along with a large sum. In return he learned the crucial secret to the entrance, a place accessed from the palace sewers, and into an underground Ayelid ruin, called the Old Way, perhaps the old foundation of the ayelid city before it was conquered by the Imperials. He relayed this news to his comrades, a hopeful look in all their eyes, hugging Na-Wur for the job he'd done, and Na-Wur himself felt quite appreciated, something he had not felt in a long time. <br>
In all this happiness, it eased the burden on all of them that Vincente had been kept with the finest mages in all of Tamriel, who made sure to rid him of this comatose curse, and then nothing out of the ordinary like before could possibly happen. The fellowship was confident, and Varus even managed to procure an ebony shard of which to make arrows from, further stengthening their efforts. The group headed out to the Imperial City Arboretum, toward which they'd find the Imperial Palace Sewers. Cornelius, wearing his finally repaired legion armor, strode gallantly upon his horse, while Varus, in a satin red robe, levitated above them all. Na-Wur, hesistantly, wearing leather, skipped and walked curiously behind them, while Adruin walked just as he normally would. "Perhaps the nine divines will reward us for our efforts," said Cornelius, proudly. Na-Wur, a daedra worshipper, nearly opened his mouth, then cautiously stopped, and nodded his head.<br>
The band of four entered into the sewer, finding nothing out of the ordinary. Beggars, and the diswanted clamored in the shadows, and the party did watch out for vampires. Using his plans, Na-Wur eventually found the entrance to the secret old way, and pulling away the locks on the ayelid door, entered. Inside, was an alive, fully healthy, Emperor Martin Septim, staring happily, although perhaps in a daze, at the shocked adventurers, who were expecting anything but.<br>


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