L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Books/AAResurfacings3 の変更点

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The Attempted Resurgence of the Illusionist, Part Three<br>
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Part Three, Appalling Visions, and a Mysterious Note, 15th of Sun's Dusk<br>
It had taken the party longer than expected, simply because of Vincente, to get even to Bruma to re-stock. Shortly after they made their way toward the arcane university, it was Na-Wur who heard something rustle in the trees. The group pulled out their weapons, but it turned out to be an elf named Adruin, former-assasin. The members were torn about whether to trust this Adruin, but eventually, decided that they needed another member, no matter how distasteful, and deceitful.<br>
On the 20th of Sun's Dusk, they trudged into the Arcane University, exhausted, yet eager to continue deciphering what could be a threat toward the empire. Varus, a member and teacher at the university for many years, hurriedly went off to the Mystic Archives in search of more info on Jagar Tharn, while the others looked one at a time over Vincent, and also searched throughout the districts on any clues they could find. It happened to be at lunch in the dormitories that the group got another glimpse of something truly strange. <br>
It was only Adruin who did not stand in the bedroom at the time, he was stalled and rejected after trying to get a word with Chancellor Ocato, so did not set his eyes on what happened until after the event had taken place. The group had been searching for a long four days on clues to what may be behind the fact that Vincent was in this unbearable coma, but on the fourth day, things began to turn for the worse. Sitting with Vincent were Cornelius, Na-Wur, and Varus, after Acteon was looking for access into the Arcane University. It had been a long day of work, and nothing had come to plan. Varus however, was the one to notice something peculiar in Vincent's condition, and was shocked to see what happened when he looked in the mirror. <br>
Vincent, with bulging red eyes, was staring at him.<br>
Immediately, Varus turned around, but saw that Vincent's eyes were closed once more. From here, he called to the others to check out Vincent, and was immediately telling what he had seen. While he was talking however, Vincent gathered himself up from the bed, and took Cornelius by the neck.<br>
"You, Imperial, do not give thee loyalty toward the master, Jagar Tharn," screamed Vincent, eyes bloodshot, with an angry, almost hypnotic stare. "The master incarnate will be arriving in just a few days, all of you will see nothing but the gloriousness that Jagar Tharn will bestow upon the Empire once more!" Vincent exclaimed this, then fell helplessly onto the bed once again, the near-choked Cornelius coughed, and got up. All of the party were in a state of shock.<br>
The party was stricken with fear over the fact that, perhaps Tharn had actually came back. However, Varus was one to realize that they needed to put this behind them, and learn more about Tharn himself. He found the 4th and 5th Real Barenziah books, and showed the party. The group of adventurers, after reading these books, learned that the staff of chaos was reforged to defeat Jagar Tharn in the past, thus, it must be a strong idea to go back and reforge this staff once again. However, at the same time, was it Jagar Tharn they were after? All these questions were nearly answered when a note showed up beside the bed of Cornelius, who had awaken to a flicker of light. He had no clue where the light had came from, but it pointed toward the note. The note stated: <br>
Come find me. I'm disillusionment, I'm the demystifier. I will uncloak the invisible, deface the imposter, and defeat the guilty. I am entropy, I am the broken. It is now time for the simple to overcome to complex. Find chaos, come find me!<br>
On the back of this note were the words:<br>
I am waiting, below the voices of the Emperor.


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