L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Books/AAResurfacings の変更点

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The Attempted Resurgence of the Illusionist, Part One<br>
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Preface: <br>
This event was, and is still unknown to much if not all of Tamriel, but a few insiders who managed to survive this near-tragedy. This is their story, and the story of how the empire nearly fell into unparalleled ruin.<br>
Part One, Just after the fall of the Empire, 4th of Sun's Dusk <br>
A series of adventurers clamored to their feet at the shattered Temple of the One, Chancellor Ocato rising above over them, and stating, "You are the protectors of Cyrodiil, throw back your unadorned pasts, and live and train as the defenders of the Empire. Our legions are weakened, our borders flanked, you are now the nucleus of inner Cyrodiilic affairs, and the fellowship that stands as an agent of peace. May you have the Elder Council's blessing, and move to the Jeralls, where our surveillance has detected something very much of note."<br>
Cornelius Sintav, retired legionnaire, had seen the calling of adventurers toward this task a dutiful one. Sintav was very much older and frailer than he had been in his prime as a legionnaire, but he still had the will to fight, and would contribute discipline to the group. The suggested meeting place had been the All Saints Inn before they went off adventuring, so Cornelius took this opportunity as a getting to know you seminar with the other adventurers. He saw one sitting in a corner, and knew that was Vincente Collonus, or Vincent for short. A known healer, Vincent had helped out the countess of Bruma, as well as the Count of Cheydinhal quite a few times when they were ill, and was a valuable option for the group. He was also rather diplomatic and may be able to help out as an emissary.<br>
Aside from Vincent, there was Varus Denone, a elder mage who knows his tricks, and Na-Wur, a sneaky fellow who longed for adventure, and quite a few other adventurers. However, Cornelius thought that these few could form a suitable, balanced party, and after nearly two days of recovering from the Sparkling Honeydew being served at the inn, the four set off toward the Jerall Mountains, with no clue of what to expect from the dangers of the north. It was expected to stop by Bruma with more plans for the adventure, so they made sure to make a three day's trip of belongings packed. <br>
They arrived in Bruma on the tenth of Sun's Dusk, after a rather uneventful journey. Vincent often kept to himself, Cornelius realized, while Na-Wur who was individualistic, also was quite friendly when spoken to. Varus as well, seemed quite knowledgeable about magic, and was content with brewing quite a few potions to help them out. Countess Carvain was more than welcoming on their behalf. As it seemed a gang of nordic bandits had set up camp at the foot of the Jerall Mountains, murdering all hunters in their tracks, and asking no questions. Her steward had been travelling by the camp and managed to escape with his life. They were to figure out why these bandits had taken no questions, and if it came to violence, so be it.

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