L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Books/AAHendrixTrials の変更点

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Trial of Kathutet<br>
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- To Xarani: Do NOT let this article go anywhere near Dagon, and anything else. Even the mortal world is a better place to leave an article such as this, then in Dagon's fingers. Who knows what could happen to you if seen with such an article, I barely care about my own life anymore....<br>
Looking back at my past, it's hard to believe I was one who could have possibly been so kind to one as my own. After the display of my less honorable self, I do actually have some respect for the human who passed me by and destroyed my master. I shouldn't say it was for the best, as even though I chose him, and he took the bands of the chosen, I did show a bit of remorse. I never faced the so called hero in a fair fight, but I did have my doubts on that as well. Perhaps it was the power I felt over the being, but it filled me with regret. Nonetheless, Dagon called my virtues a humongous failure, and I'm here to oblige. <br>
My lord put me on trial, obviously one that you cannot get out of. Since I'm immortal in this plane, I knew it would be something worse, something I feared. His voice, a Xivilai known as Etrexil, shouted at me as to why I let the man go, how as a servant, your only goal is to destroy, and cause destruction toward the mortal plane. Of course, I knew all of this, but I still did not care. I knew I was at a loss, and was just waiting for the punishment bestowed upon me.<br>
This note, scrawled with magic, has been during and away from secretly, the constant punishment and pain bestowed upon me. The plane of Dagon is indeed harsh, and though I'll never pass away, I truly wish I could. Quick, Xarani, take this, and send it to where word could be heard. <br>


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