L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Books/AAHendrixThetricII の変更点

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Thetric, II<br>
By Maniel Frenne<br>
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Doing a favor<br><div align=left>
It had been an obvious choice for Thetric, Hulfgar, Edmund and Lognaar to simply leave the castle. Thetric's fame, fortune, and people had all been destroyed, yet he had not identified the villain. Simply put, the party gathered what little they had left, and decided to head far to the west, toward the High Rock seas, and perhaps pay a visit to the King of Daggerfall.<br>
They hadn't gone far though, when a figure entered their sights. Hooded, and short, the figure needn't walk any closer, before the group was upon him with weapons at it's throat. Thetric himself yelled, "So it was you then, who destroyed my lands and kingdom?" Upon further inspection, the figure did not appear human, and actually had two small horns jutting out of its forehead. The figure simply laughed yet- "Answer Me!" Shouted Thetric, in no mood for games after his kingdom had been placed into ruin. <br>
The figure stopped laughing, and instead muttered, "I was not the one who destroyed your kingdom, but should you do me a favor, I will tell you a location much like your home, where you shall be revered like you did previously." <br>
"And, what might this favor be?" asked Edmund, perhaps the most intelligent of the group. <br>
"It is simple," replied the hooded figure. "Far to the west lies Cloud Spring, beyond the borders of your kingdom. There, you will find a summoner of the undead, those that have no soul. His name is Jociel; you must take his soul for me."<br>
Perhaps in desperation or madness, Thetric agreed to the offer placed by the figure. In an instant, after the figure re-assured him of his end of the deal, it vanished in thin air. The party knew where Cloud Spring was, and immediately began on a march to the west. However, the more and more they thought about it, the more the thoughts of killing someone who was unknown to them was comforting in the least. And what led them to trust this entity in the first place was odd in itself. Edmund provided a bit of comfort though: "Jociel as described, if a necromancer, is one worth killing. Bringing back the undead is hardly an honorable magic."<br>
The group marched for quite awhile, eventually finding a nice brush to spend the night. It had been seven long hours since the visitor had arrived, many more since the destruction of the kingdom. The exhausted party had not recieved any sleep for over a day, and at the sight of the brush, they collapsed onto the ground. <br>
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