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A Traveler's Guide to Nibenay<br>
by Mabrel, Explorer<br>
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Before I begin, let me tell you what a pleasure it has been to work with the late great, Arch-Mage Traven, who allowed me to use his services to my advantage in chartering the great Nibenay Valley, and how he didn't bother to care how much this expedition may have cost. <br>
Both the Nibenay Basin and Valley are an interesting phenomenon, stretching from just south of Cheydinhal, heading southeast toward Lake Canulus, and following the north end of the Panther River into Niben Bay. This gorgeous River Valley varies in both climate, fertility, and interest, and is quite a spot for an adventurer, or explorer like myself. After taking the chances of exploring the valley for a number of years, I feel its in my best interest to share to you some excellent spots for the vacationer, the adventurer, even the merchant, as well as sharing some secrets, facts, and opinions about this great valley. <br>
The most interesting question I have about the Nibenay Valley, as well as the large river basin is that there is so much room here for civilization to thrive, to co-exist, to farm. There are quite a few resources available here: the Valus mountains not far to the north-east, and the rivers of the Corbolo, Silverfish, and the Panther supplying an excellent irrigation source, as well as plenty of open land for setting up a town of sorts. Perhaps I'm wrong, as I don't know so much about farmland, but it seems like the Nibenay could seem like a worthwhile place of setting up some kind of town or city. The people who do live here however, exist as indifferent to each other, spending time individually, and only venturing into the towns for supplies if needed. Cropsford for example, is a commissioned farming village, but the settlement has been torn apart by warring goblins. The people here still seemed hopeful, that perhaps an adventurer could save them from these troublesome creatures. <br>
Drakelowe, an isolated settlement directly south of the starting point for the Reed River, was quite different than the hopeful Imperials of Cropsford. Here, a witch calmly, but strongly told us to be on our way, and the expeditioners and myself simply were...on our way. The place seemed that there was something amiss, a place which an enlightened adventurer could be interested in. <br>
Travelers along the yellow road, or fisherman among the many Nibenay rivers could easily find these next two inns as familiar locations. The Imperial Bridge Inn, ran by Publican Davela Hlaren, lies on the north bank of the Silverfish River, and just off the Yellow Road. A cheap place to stay, the Bridge Inn is nothing fancy, but offers a nice rest stop for adventurers, scholars, and mages. It also offers beautiful views of both the Imperial City, and the river at night, and at dusk/dawn. Another Inn, the Drunken Dragon offers an excellent place for food and drink, and Andreas Draconis offers a slightly nicer room for double the price of the Bridge Inn. Since it lies a bit south of the Panther River, you could be inclined to stay here if you're on a short move from Leyawiin. <br>
As you can see, the citizens of the empire living in the Nibenay are not numerous, but do offer something in the way of services and hospitality. If you aren't looking to see people however, but wish to vacation here, or see some breathtaking sights, or even take a pilgramage to a wayshrine, there are various points of interest in the Valley.<br>
Those who wish to see gorgeous scenery could be inspired to take a trip to Lake Canulus. Although the lake is quite far from civilization, and you may stumble against something as strong as a wolf or bear, Canulus has some breathtaking sights, and staying a night just out in the wild can be an exhilarating experience. Farther up north, close to Cheydinhal is Lake Poppod. If you're in town, and wish to take a day's trip, Poppod is a nice place to go. The lake is not vast, but does offer some nice scenery, although you may want to drift away from the daedra worshippers on the western bank. <br>
For those interested in exploring and adventuring, Nibenay is dotted with ayelid ruins, caves, and lost forts. The most unvisited in my opinion at least, can be yours for the plundering. There are so many lost ruins, and what-not, that I'll only make a list of those of interest for the adventurer, and those are: Fort Cedrian, Fort Facian, Fort Cuptor, Malada, Wendelbek, Deserted Mine, Squandered Mine, Crayfish Cave, Lost Boy Cavern.<br>
And last but not least, those who have taken the time to conduct a pilgramage in their devotion to the nine divines should note that there are wayshrines of both Julianos and Kynareth here. Of course, being the devout follower that you are, conducting this pilgramage should not come along with hints from myself. <br>
I hope I could help give a background of the Nibenay Basin, perhaps persuade a few people to build one of their own homes here. All travelers in the Nibenay Basin should be noted of where they are going, and hopefully that is what this guide accomplishes. 

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