L10N/TGHQ-UC/2.0/Dialogue/AAS1Q10 の変更点

FormID: 0104B503	AAS1Q10	GREETING	0	I'm glad you're here.	
FormID: 0104B504	AAS1Q10	GREETING	0	It's good to see you, old friend.	
FormID: 0104B505	AAS1Q10	AAS1Q10BT1	0	Armand wants to speak to you in person. I think he may have some information.	
FormID: 0104B506	AAS1Q10	AAS1Q10AC1	0	I'm afraid we still haven't been able to find any information on the Society's whereabouts. However, I have a plan.	
FormID: 0104B506	AAS1Q10	AAS1Q10AC1	1	I've heard rumors that they work very hard to stay out of the way of the Dark Brotherhood. It appears they're not as fearless as they claim to be.	
__聞いた噂によれば、連中はDark Brotherhoodに手出ししないよう細心の注意を払っているらしい。連中が自分で主張しているほど、怖いもの知らずというわけではなさそうだな。
FormID: 0104B506	AAS1Q10	AAS1Q10AC1	2	It's somehow been leaked that a man named Dorian, who lives in the Talos Plaza District is a high-ranking member of the Brotherhood.	
__さて、ひょんなことからTalos Plaza Districtに住むDorianという男が、Brotherhoodの幹部メンバーだという情報が漏れてきた。
FormID: 0104B506	AAS1Q10	AAS1Q10AC1	3	What I need you to do is sneak into his house and steal something valuable from him. Then, leave one of these Black Dagger Society notes.	
__お前にやってもらいたいことだが、彼の家に忍び込み何かしら貴重な物を盗んで欲しい。そして、付近にBlack Dagger Societyの置き手紙を残すんだ。
FormID: 0104B508	AAS1Q10	AAS1Q10AC1	0	You've done it! Here, you might as well keep the dagger. Now, let's sit back and watch our enemies destroy each other. 	

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