L10N/TGHQ-UC/2.0/Books/SGCTG01AmantiusDiary の変更点


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<font face=5>I've planted the seeds of the Drinkers. Soon I shall know if my theories hold true.<br>
The first shoots have appeared. I must make sure to continue the precise schedule of nutrient solutions.<br>
Small Drinker fronds are clearly visible. This is a critical time in their development. I'm almost out of rat blood. I'll have to catch some more of the filthy beggars.<br>
The young plants are juveniles now. I can see them waving as if in a breeze, although the air in my cellar is still as death.<br>
I'm having a hard time catching any more cats. I may have to start using dogs. The damn Drinker plants have a voracious appetite.<br>
One of them cut me today. I'll have to be more careful.<br>
My creations are refusing to feed. As an experiment I offered a drop of my own blood, which one of them drank greedily. The others Drinkers are beginning to wither.<br>
I collected a bucket of human blood from the healers. I had to pay her an exhorbitant amount to keep her tongue still. The Drinkers are doing much better. Am I doing the right thing? The benefit of these plants to all of Cyrodiil is beyond doubt, but the price may be too high.<br>
It is one of the most difficult decisions of my life. I have destroyed my notes for how to hybridize Drinkers. I set the trays on the roof where the sun could strike them. An hour after sunrise they were all dead. My attempt to create a hybrid of vampire and plant has failed. They were just too dangerous.<br>
Two parts grave dust, one part ash salts. Mix with human blood. Expose to two hours of moonlight each night.<br>

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<font face=5>Drinkerの種を植えた。私の理論が正しいかどうかすぐに分かるだろう。<br>

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