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<div align="center"><font face=1>The Black Dagger Society
<div align="left">
Introduction and Philosophy:<br><br>
We are not the Thieves Guild. We are not the Dark Brotherhood. We are not the Fighter's Guild. We are our own entity; unique and bound by the norms and limitations of no organization. We follow the leadership of Archos. He created the Black Dagger Society and his leadership does not falter. He decides what contracts to take. He decides what fee to charge. He decides what rules to implement. 
Code of Differentiation:<br><br>
We refuse to call ourselves a "guild" because, although we are a structured organization, We are not confined by needless legal, traditional, or moral principals. Some compare us to the group known as the "Thieves Guild" however, we differentiate ourselves by rejecting the rules they use such as "never steal from the poor" and "never kill anyone on the job." The Black Dagger Society has achieved its competitive advantage not by following these same rules, but freeing itself from labels and the limitations that they bring. We will accept any contract, whether it is theft, vandalism, or assassination.
There are no conditions and no criteria for membership. No detail about your life will make you a suitable candidate. Any can apply but Archos will decide who's accepted and who is rejected. If Archos no longer trusts a member of the society, he may rid himself of them.
The Laws of the Society:
1: Never disrespect Archos. Any members of the society who do not show our leader the proper respect will be subject to his punishment.
2: Never steal from or kill another member of the society. Internal discord will ruin the society. Archos will determine the penalty for such crimes.
3: Never default on a contract. Cowardice is unacceptable in the Black Dagger Society. Members are expected to carry out their assignments to under penalty of death.
4: Never betray the society. Traitors and snitches will be dealt with according to the Archos' ruling.


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<div align="center"><font face=1>The Black Dagger Society
<div align="left">
Introduction and Philosophy:<br><br>
We are not the Thieves Guild. We are not the Dark Brotherhood. We are not the Fighter's Guild. We are our own entity; unique and bound by the norms and limitations of no organization. We follow the leadership of Archos. He created the Black Dagger Society and his leadership does not falter. He decides what contracts to take. He decides what fee to charge. He decides what rules to implement. 
Code of Differentiation:<br><br>
We refuse to call ourselves a "guild" because, although we are a structured organization, We are not confined by needless legal, traditional, or moral principals. Some compare us to the group known as the "Thieves Guild" however, we differentiate ourselves by rejecting the rules they use such as "never steal from the poor" and "never kill anyone on the job." The Black Dagger Society has achieved its competitive advantage not by following these same rules, but freeing itself from labels and the limitations that they bring. We will accept any contract, whether it is theft, vandalism, or assassination.
There are no conditions and no criteria for membership. No detail about your life will make you a suitable candidate. Any can apply but Archos will decide who's accepted and who is rejected. If Archos no longer trusts a member of the society, he may rid himself of them.
The Laws of the Society:
1: Never disrespect Archos. Any members of the society who do not show our leader the proper respect will be subject to his punishment.
2: Never steal from or kill another member of the society. Internal discord will ruin the society. Archos will determine the penalty for such crimes.
3: Never default on a contract. Cowardice is unacceptable in the Black Dagger Society. Members are expected to carry out their assignments to under penalty of death.
4: Never betray the society. Traitors and snitches will be dealt with according to the Archos' ruling.


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