L10N/TGHQ-UC/2.0/Books/AAS1Q8List1 の変更点


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Scarpacci  painings sold: 
"The Skilled Fighter" - Ulen Athram of The Imperial City Talos Plaza District - 21,000
"The Ruthless Barbarian" - Rohssan The Imperial City Market District and owner of "A Fighting Chance" - 12,500 
"The Warrior of Great Strength" - Lord Rugdumph of County Cheydinhal (far North of the city) - 10,000 gold
"The Man with Fists of Lightning" - Alva Uvanis of Leyawiin - 14,000
"The Mighty Emperor" - Count Andell Indarys of Cheydinhal - 18,500
"The Warrior King" - Hafid Hollowleg of Bruma and owner of "Jerall View Inn" - 15,650
"The Fearless Crusader" - Vilena Donton of the Chorrol Fighter's Guild - 18,000
"The Mighty Gladiator" - Varel Morvayn of Anvil and owner of "Morvayn's Peacemakers" - 14,000
"The Formidable Combatant" - Gilgondorin of Bravil and owner of "Silver Home on the Water" - 11,500
"The Vampiric Knight" - Lazare Milvan of Skingrad - 17,000
"The Brave Fighter" - Farwill Indarys of The Knights of the Thorn, outside Cheydinhal - 19,000

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Scarpacci  painings sold: 
"The Skilled Fighter" - Ulen Athram of The Imperial City Talos Plaza District - 21,000
"The Ruthless Barbarian" - Rohssan The Imperial City Market District and owner of "A Fighting Chance" - 12,500 
"The Warrior of Great Strength" - Lord Rugdumph of County Cheydinhal (far North of the city) - 10,000 gold
"The Man with Fists of Lightning" - Alva Uvanis of Leyawiin - 14,000
"The Mighty Emperor" - Count Andell Indarys of Cheydinhal - 18,500
"The Warrior King" - Hafid Hollowleg of Bruma and owner of "Jerall View Inn" - 15,650
"The Fearless Crusader" - Vilena Donton of the Chorrol Fighter's Guild - 18,000
"The Mighty Gladiator" - Varel Morvayn of Anvil and owner of "Morvayn's Peacemakers" - 14,000
"The Formidable Combatant" - Gilgondorin of Bravil and owner of "Silver Home on the Water" - 11,500
"The Vampiric Knight" - Lazare Milvan of Skingrad - 17,000
"The Brave Fighter" - Farwill Indarys of The Knights of the Thorn, outside Cheydinhal - 19,000

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