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I've found us another contract. The client is a collector of various antiques and artifacts. He would like us to bring him one such item which is currently in the possession of the blind monks at the Temple of the Ancestor Moths. I believe you're "acquainted" with them already. The target is an ancient stone tablet called the "Tablet of the Father Moth." Apparently, there is a hidden chamber deep within the catacombs there. The client had obtained some detailed instructions from a former member of the order. These instructions are as follows:

Enter through the crypt and follow the walls to the door on the other side <br><br>
Follow the wall on your left until you come to the corner, then turn left <br><br>
Walk about 20 paces and you'll reach the door to the dining area - you should be able to smell the food <br><br>
Find your way through the room to the door on the other side <br><br>
Follow the wall on your right - it will turn right twice <br><br>
When you feel the cobwebs in front of you, immediately turn left <br><br>
Proceed about 30 paces down the hall, until you come to a door <br><br>
Walk through the room to the door on the opposite side <br><br>
Then, follow the right wall as it turns right and walk down the stairs - you'll come to a set of double doors <br><br>
Next, continue following the right wall (be careful of the stairs) and take your second right <br><br>
You'll reach the door to the bedroom <br><br>
Turn left a little bit and find the door on the other side - there are beds in the middle of the room<br><br>
The walls will feel different in that tunnel. Just follow it and you'll arrive in the storage room. You'll smell mushrooms and wisp stalks and you'll hear moths flying about. Feel around in the dirt for a metal hatch. That is the entrance to the room where the tablet is kept.
-Armand Christophe

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新しい契約を見つけた。依頼人は様々な骨董品や工芸品の蒐集家だ。彼はある特定の品物を持ってきて欲しいそうだ。それはTemple of the Ancestor Mothsの盲目の僧たちによって所持されている。恐らく、お前は既に彼らと"知り合い"になっていることだろう。標的は"Tablet of the Father Moth"の名で呼ばれる古代の石板だ。どうやら、地下墓地の奥深くにある隠し部屋にそれはあるようだ。依頼人は修道会の元メンバーからある程度の詳細な指示を得たようだ。以下のその手順を記しておく:

20歩ほど進むと食堂の扉へと辿り着く - きっと食べ物の匂いがするはずだ<br><br>
右手の壁に沿って進む - その際、2回右折する<br><br>
そして、右側の壁に沿って進み右折、階段を下りる - 両開きの扉に辿り着くはずだ<br><br>
少しだけ左側に視線を向けると、反対側に通路が見つかる - 部屋の中心部にいくつかベッドがある<br><br>
その通路の壁が微妙に違うことに気がつくだろう。ただそれに従って行けば、貯蔵室へと辿り着く。mushroomやwisp stalksの匂いと蛾が辺りを飛ぶ音に気がつくだろう。その付近に金属製の汚れた落とし戸がある。それこそが石板を保管している部屋の入り口だ。
-Armand Christophe

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