L10N/TGHQ-UC/2.0/Books/AAS1Q3Note1 の変更点


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I've gotten us some more work. It may seem like a assignment better-suited for a newbie but I've got most of our other members busy at the moment. 
The client wants us to steal a one-of-a-kind book from Phintias, who owns The First Edition, the book store in the Market District. This book is the original copy of The History of Skyrim and is very valuable. So much so, that the client is willing to pay us almost twice what we would normally charge for a job like this. Also, he had a lot of very helpful information; he said that Phintias keeps the book in the basement of his shop, in a glass display case. Shouldn't be too hard. Go take care of it. Shadow hide you.
-Armand Christophe

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依頼人はMarket DistrictでThe First Editionを経営しているPhintiasから、ある特別な本を盗んで欲しいそうだ。それはThe History of Skyrimの原本であり非常に貴重なものだ。あまりにもそうなので、依頼人は俺たちが通常引受けている報酬の2倍の額を支払うことも厭わないそうだ。また、彼は非常に多くの有用な情報を持っていた。それによるとPhintiasは自分の店の地下に、ガラスの陳列ケースでその本を保管しているそうだ。くれぐれも無理はするな。慎重に行くんだ。影と共にあれ。
-Armand Christophe

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