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<div align="center"><font face=1>Thief's Handbook: Smart Thievery<br>
by Slippery Jack<br>
<IMG src="Book/Punk Stevo - Thieves Guild HQ/SlipperyJackLogo.dds" width=200 height=266>
<div align="left">
I don't think the guards will ever have a chance at catching us until they give us a little more credit. A lot of thought goes into what we do. We don't just randomly break into houses and start grabbing things...well, the GOOD thieves don't. Maybe some of those sloppy freelance losers do. But we professionals scope the place out first. You have to examine the way people move around, find out where the high-traffic areas are, figure out the guards' routines, etc. It ain't easy. It's also good to see if there's and alternate entrance and in certain cases, it may be better to hit the place in broad daylight. The guards are usually less abundant and the owner is often at work. This way, you don't have to worry about waking anybody. 
Once you're in the house, you should have a set of guidelines that determines what to take and what to leave, based on your carrying-capacity, financial situation, and the size of the place. Don't load up on cheap heavy crap, go for books, alchemy equipment, fancy clothing, and if you're desperate, silverware. I like to use the 6x rule: the value in Septims should be at least six times its weight (you can go lower if you're really strapped for cash), and remember even the guild's fences won't give you retail price for anything, so take that into consideration. You'll never impress a fence with a sack full of brooms. You have to learn to think economically; free space in your pack is a commodity, don't waste it.

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<div align="center"><font face=1>Thief's Handbook: Smart Thievery<br>
by Slippery Jack<br>
<IMG src="Book/Punk Stevo - Thieves Guild HQ/SlipperyJackLogo.dds" width=200 height=266>
<div align="left">
I don't think the guards will ever have a chance at catching us until they give us a little more credit. A lot of thought goes into what we do. We don't just randomly break into houses and start grabbing things...well, the GOOD thieves don't. Maybe some of those sloppy freelance losers do. But we professionals scope the place out first. You have to examine the way people move around, find out where the high-traffic areas are, figure out the guards' routines, etc. It ain't easy. It's also good to see if there's and alternate entrance and in certain cases, it may be better to hit the place in broad daylight. The guards are usually less abundant and the owner is often at work. This way, you don't have to worry about waking anybody. 
Once you're in the house, you should have a set of guidelines that determines what to take and what to leave, based on your carrying-capacity, financial situation, and the size of the place. Don't load up on cheap heavy crap, go for books, alchemy equipment, fancy clothing, and if you're desperate, silverware. I like to use the 6x rule: the value in Septims should be at least six times its weight (you can go lower if you're really strapped for cash), and remember even the guild's fences won't give you retail price for anything, so take that into consideration. You'll never impress a fence with a sack full of brooms. You have to learn to think economically; free space in your pack is a commodity, don't waste it.

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