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<div align="center"><font face=1>Thief's Handbook: Jail<br>
by Slippery Jack<br>
<IMG src="Book/Punk Stevo - Thieves Guild HQ/SlipperyJackLogo.dds" width=200 height=266>
<div align="left">
Here's an interesting question for you: what do you do when the guards catch you? Do you fight them? Do you pay the fine and steal your confiscated things back from the evidence chest? Do you run away? Or, do you go to jail and promptly break out? If you're anything like me (fun, daring, adventurous, extremely good-looking), you prefer the latter. It's just more interesting that way, plus it's good practice. I've never seen a jail cell that could hold me.
Whether you're a beginner or a veteran, there are a few tricks I want to share with you for making your incarceration a very short one. As you probably know, you're not going to be able to smuggle more than one lockpick into your cell. I've tried; it was painful. So, you're gonna have to make it count. If you're any good at restoration magic, I suggest creating a spell that increases your security skill as much as possible for only 2 or 3 seconds. That's all the time you'll need. The guards can't take your magic away from you. Just before you begin to pick the lock, cast this spell on yourself. It will make things much easier.
My last piece of advice is a very handy trick I picked up a few years back. It's so simple you'll feel like an idiot for not thinking of it. After you pick the lock, pick the jailor's pocket. Take the key! Now, without him noticing, go straight back to the cell you broke out of and hide the key in the corner somewhere. I guarantee no one will find it. They never go in those cells to clean them. Next time you get yourself arrested in that town, you've got a key waiting for you! 


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<div align="center"><font face=1>Thief's Handbook: Jail<br>
by Slippery Jack<br>
<IMG src="Book/Punk Stevo - Thieves Guild HQ/SlipperyJackLogo.dds" width=200 height=266>
<div align="left">
Here's an interesting question for you: what do you do when the guards catch you? Do you fight them? Do you pay the fine and steal your confiscated things back from the evidence chest? Do you run away? Or, do you go to jail and promptly break out? If you're anything like me (fun, daring, adventurous, extremely good-looking), you prefer the latter. It's just more interesting that way, plus it's good practice. I've never seen a jail cell that could hold me.
Whether you're a beginner or a veteran, there are a few tricks I want to share with you for making your incarceration a very short one. As you probably know, you're not going to be able to smuggle more than one lockpick into your cell. I've tried; it was painful. So, you're gonna have to make it count. If you're any good at restoration magic, I suggest creating a spell that increases your security skill as much as possible for only 2 or 3 seconds. That's all the time you'll need. The guards can't take your magic away from you. Just before you begin to pick the lock, cast this spell on yourself. It will make things much easier.
My last piece of advice is a very handy trick I picked up a few years back. It's so simple you'll feel like an idiot for not thinking of it. After you pick the lock, pick the jailor's pocket. Take the key! Now, without him noticing, go straight back to the cell you broke out of and hide the key in the corner somewhere. I guarantee no one will find it. They never go in those cells to clean them. Next time you get yourself arrested in that town, you've got a key waiting for you! 


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