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<div align="center"><font face=1>Thief's Handbook: Illusion Magic<br>
by Slippery Jack<br>
<IMG src="Book/Punk Stevo - Thieves Guild HQ/SlipperyJackLogo.dds" width=200 height=266>
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Magic is often the subject of debate among thieves. Some love it, others feel it cheapens things. Personally, I like to use a spell here and there but I don't put all my time and effort into becoming a master magician. I do think certain types of magic are more conducive to effective thievery than others. For example, mysticism; not worth your time. Alteration is nice but I'd rather pick locks myself (call me old fashioned). 
However, the best for my money has to be illusion magic. Nothing makes surveying, entering, and exiting easy like being completely invisible. Even a newbie can go invisible for long enough to slip past a guard or two. Nine out of ten times, you'll only need it for a few seconds. It's an incredibly effective tool for such little practice. 
With a little illusion skill you can do invisibility, nighteye, paralyze, and chameleon. Not bad for one school of magic. If you want to practice, I suggest buying a cheap light spell and casting that thing over and over while you're walking around. Pretty soon, you'll be good enough to use some of the better spells.

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<div align="center"><font face=1>Thief's Handbook: Illusion Magic<br>
by Slippery Jack<br>
<IMG src="Book/Punk Stevo - Thieves Guild HQ/SlipperyJackLogo.dds" width=200 height=266>
<div align="left">
Magic is often the subject of debate among thieves. Some love it, others feel it cheapens things. Personally, I like to use a spell here and there but I don't put all my time and effort into becoming a master magician. I do think certain types of magic are more conducive to effective thievery than others. For example, mysticism; not worth your time. Alteration is nice but I'd rather pick locks myself (call me old fashioned). 
However, the best for my money has to be illusion magic. Nothing makes surveying, entering, and exiting easy like being completely invisible. Even a newbie can go invisible for long enough to slip past a guard or two. Nine out of ten times, you'll only need it for a few seconds. It's an incredibly effective tool for such little practice. 
With a little illusion skill you can do invisibility, nighteye, paralyze, and chameleon. Not bad for one school of magic. If you want to practice, I suggest buying a cheap light spell and casting that thing over and over while you're walking around. Pretty soon, you'll be good enough to use some of the better spells.

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