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<div align="center"><font face=1>Thief's Handbook: Enchanting<br>
by Slippery Jack<br>
<IMG src="Book/Punk Stevo - Thieves Guild HQ/SlipperyJackLogo.dds" width=200 height=266>
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Most people think enchanting is only for the Mages Guild. That's just what they want you to think. They keep their enchanting and spellmaking altars locked up in their little compound, only for members of the "Arcane University" but there are in fact others to be found; Frostcrag Tower, for example. Enchanting your equipment is great for giving you an edge over the rest. You can create enchanted items that increase your attributes like speed and agility, or you can use a feather enchantment to allow you to carry more loot. 
When you're in the dark, torches make you much more visible and nighteye spells need to be constantly re-casted, plus you can't really turn them off when you're done with them. I like to get a little accessory like a ring or something and enchant it with the nighteye power. Use the cheapest soulgem you have because, in this case, they all do the same thing. Now that it's enchanted, keep it ready. Put the ring on and you can see in the dark. Take it off and it stops. You're probably asking "Jack, why are you making such a big deal over being able to turn nighteye off?" The answer is: because you sometimes need to get a good look at the lighting in the room to see where the shadows are. If you're in nighteye mode all the time, you may unknowingly walk right into a well-lit area and be detected. You feel pretty silly when you walk right under a lantern, thinking your stealthy.


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<div align="center"><font face=1>Thief's Handbook: Enchanting<br>
by Slippery Jack<br>
<IMG src="Book/Punk Stevo - Thieves Guild HQ/SlipperyJackLogo.dds" width=200 height=266>
<div align="left">
Most people think enchanting is only for the Mages Guild. That's just what they want you to think. They keep their enchanting and spellmaking altars locked up in their little compound, only for members of the "Arcane University" but there are in fact others to be found; Frostcrag Tower, for example. Enchanting your equipment is great for giving you an edge over the rest. You can create enchanted items that increase your attributes like speed and agility, or you can use a feather enchantment to allow you to carry more loot. 
When you're in the dark, torches make you much more visible and nighteye spells need to be constantly re-casted, plus you can't really turn them off when you're done with them. I like to get a little accessory like a ring or something and enchant it with the nighteye power. Use the cheapest soulgem you have because, in this case, they all do the same thing. Now that it's enchanted, keep it ready. Put the ring on and you can see in the dark. Take it off and it stops. You're probably asking "Jack, why are you making such a big deal over being able to turn nighteye off?" The answer is: because you sometimes need to get a good look at the lighting in the room to see where the shadows are. If you're in nighteye mode all the time, you may unknowingly walk right into a well-lit area and be detected. You feel pretty silly when you walk right under a lantern, thinking your stealthy.


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