L10N/TEC_Temple_of_the_One/1.2/Books/TecBroadsheet01Temple の変更点


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*本文 [#be57d421]

**原文 [#lacee142]
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Blood of the last Septim<br>
by Phineas Farnsworth<br>
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The new Temple has been completed and looks very similar to the old temple from the outside. Inside the Dragon looks down on worshippers, a reminder of the favour Akatosh has shown this city. 

One the spot where Emperor Martin Septim transformed in the Avatar of Akatosh now burns a holy flame lighting the dragon in yellow glow to match the sight those in the temple district reported seeing during the battle. 

The illusion is mearly a lighting trick but it serves to remind people that the temple grounds were indeed blessed by Akatosh him self. 

Shortly after construction on the new temple began, reports of huge amounts of stone being taken in to the temple started to spread, much more than was needed to rebuild the temple. 

Shortly before that, stories of priests finding blood on the spot where Martin broke the Amulet of Kings started to spread. The mixing of the blood of Akatosh with the blood of the Last Septim Emperor was a story that would not stay secret for long. 

Within days it became the hottest bit of gossip within the Imperial city until everybody had heard it at several times. 

Today we can tell you that Masons who worked on the new Temple where given orders not to disclose what they had worked on. We believe the extra stone must have been for some sort of tomb to hold the blood of the last Septim and that it is very possibly hidden below the Dragon Statue somewhere. 

Already reports of incurable illnesses being cured are emerging from those who used the new temple. It would not susprise me to find it was the mixing of Martin Septims blood and that of Akatosh that gives the temple such power over the illnesses of the faithful. 

Priests at the new Temple of the one believe that Akatosh has made a new covenant with them to heal the faithful and now see it as their divine duty to heal all followers of Akatosh. 

They point out that Emperor Martin Septim served as a humble priest in the Chapel of Akatosh in Kvatch and that it is his blood that now cures the faithful in the new Temple of the one. 

They also told us that a new Order of Monks to be known as The Order of the Last Septim are you be established at the new temple and visit cities and villages to spread the word and heal the sick. 


**訳文 [#xfa2a2f6]
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Phineas Farnsworth筆<br>
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皇帝Martin SeptimがAkatoshの化身へと姿を変えたOneの祭壇。今は聖なる炎が煌々と輝きDragonを照らしています。炎の色は黄色。過日の戦乱において罹災されたtemple districtの人々の目に、誇りとともに焼き付けられた聖なるDragonの炎の色です。



この噂が語られ始める少し前ごろから神官たちの間で『MartinがAmulet of Kingsを砕いた場所から血液のようなものが染み出している』との別の噂が立っていました。Akatosh神の血とSeptim王家の最終皇帝の血…。この噂に関しても、神官たちの間だけの秘密にしておく事はすぐに無理だと分かりました。

数日もしないうちにImperial City中の『特ダネ』として誰もが知る所となったのです。 


『この神殿にお参りして不治の病が奇跡的に治った!』などといった声があちこちから聞こえてきます。けれど私はそれを不思議とも何とも思いません。Martin SeptimとAkatosh神の血。両方の加護を受けた神殿は信仰する者にいかなる病魔をも撃退する力を与えるのです。

新しく生まれ変わったTemple of the Oneの神官たちは、Akatoshが新たな契約を結んだのだと信じています。それは、信心の厚い人々をあまねく癒すという事。Akatoshの神官たちにとって信者たちを救う事こそが新たな使命となりました。

彼らは皇帝Martin SeptimがかつてKvatchのAkatosh教会に勤める慎ましやかな神官であったという事実があったからこそ、現在Temple of the Oneに訪れる信心深い人々が癒しを受ける事が出来るのだと考えています。

また彼等はThe Order of the Last Septimという新たな神官騎士団がこの神殿で設立されたとも教えてくれました。騎士団の使命は各地の街や村々を訪れ、そこで神の教えを説き、同時に病に苦しむ人々を助ける事だと聞きました。


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