L10N/Origin_of_the_Mages_Guild/6/QuestStages/OMGRecoverStaffofvanus の変更点

FormID: 02040DF9	OMGRecoverStaffofvanus	10	0	Archmagister Jane Henal told me the Order of the Black Worm also has the Staff of Vanus and are holding it at Dark Fissure. I heard no word of the fabled [QUOTE]ensorcelled sword and axe[QUOTE] that Vanus held aloft when he confronted The King of Worms. Perhaps they do not have those items, or perhaps they have yet to be found. I cannot help but wonder if the God of Worms will speak to me again this time. 
__Archmagister Jane HenalはOrder of the Black WormがStaff of Vanusも所有しており、Dark Fissureに保管していると言った。VanusがKing of Wormsと対決した際に高く掲げたという、伝説の[QUOTE]ensorcelled sword and axe(魔力の込められた剣と斧)[QUOTE]については一言も言わなかった。彼らはこれらを持っていないか、まだ発見していないのかもしれない。God of Wormsがまた話しかけくるかどうか、考えざるを得ない。
FormID: 02040DF9	OMGRecoverStaffofvanus	20	0	I have arrived at Dark Fissure. My skin crawls as I approach this place, as if something unworldly walked across my grave. I must get the staff and leave this place. 
__Dark Fissureに到着した。この世ならざる者が私の墓を横切るかのように、近づくにつれて背筋が寒くなる。Staffを手に入れて、ここから離れるべきだ。
FormID: 02040DF9	OMGRecoverStaffofvanus	30	0	I have the Staff of Vanus, it appears to be of Daedric design. Surely this cannot be a staff made by Vanus. Perhaps it was give to him from the Psijic Order, or perhaps it was something Vanus recovered from the Psijic Order's Dream Cave. Mannimarco spoke to me again in his God like form, he warned me not to get in his way or he would resurrect the King of Worms once again to deal with me. King and God....that will take some getting used too. 
__Staffを手に入れたが、これはDaedricの意匠がされているようだ。確実に、Vanusが作った物ではない。Psijic Orderが彼に与えた物か、あるいはVanusをPsijic Order's Dream Caveから立ち戻らせた何かかもしれない。Mannimarcoはまた神のように語りかけてきた。彼は、邪魔をすればKing of Wormsを蘇らせ対応する、と警告した。王と神...慣れるにはまだしばらく掛かりそうだ。

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