L10N/Origin_of_the_Mages_Guild/6/Books/OMGTheFundamentalChangesofMagicka の変更点


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<font face=1>The Fundamental Changes of Magicka<br>
By B<br>
Sometime around 4E418, Magicka began to undergo some fundamental changes. Before this time, the art of spellcasting was widely practiced and widely abused.
The main culprit behind the abuse was the SpellMaker. Any charlatan with a healing spell could walk into a local Mages Guild and walk out with a devastating lightning spell. The rules were extremely lax, and anyone at any age could use the SpellMaker to create powerful spells, provided they had the necessary Magicka to cast it and the necessary coin to buy it. During this time, even small children were running around with shielding spells to protect themselves from simple sticks and stones.<br><br>

The abuse didn?t stop there. People were in a frenzy to master the art of spellcasting, and if you talked to the right sage, the secret to mastering the art was easily obtained. You couldn?t walk down the streets of High Rock without seeing hordes of mages casting spells over and over again in an attempt to improve their skills. People would practice for hours, go inside and rest, and then reappear, only to start all over again. They became high level casters in no time.<br><br>

"Sure, nowadays you?ll find the occasional magic user walking around practicing the craft, but nothing like it was back then. Too many people had access to too many spells," said Ranis Athrys, a member of the Balmora Mages Guild. "It was fashionable to have a shock spell, and people were going around shaking hands and shocking people just for laughs. It was a painfully pathetic time in Tamriel."<br><br>

All you have to do is search the archives and you?ll find additional reports of abuse. There are numerous accounts of walls being destroyed to allow people to pass, several sightings of people levitating while on horseback, and there are even documented cases of sorcerers in Daggerfall trying to bounce fireballs off of buildings in an attempt to absorb and regain the Magicka. It wasn?t a pretty sight!<br><br>

But thankfully, all of that eventually changed. The spellmaking process underwent major revisions. Prospective candidates had to learn a spell before they could use its effect to create a new and more powerful one. If they only possessed a healing spell, then that was the only effect they?d be able to work with. That alone, was a much needed change, but it couldn?t undo the large number of people who already amassed numerous spells. That change would come soon after.<br><br>

The most significant change in Magicka occurred in 4E419 when magic users throughout Tamriel noticed previously mastered spells mysteriously disappearing from their repertoires. This time became known as The Great Deletion.<br><br>

"It was so bizarre. One day I was casting God?s Fire, and the next morning, I woke up only to find that I couldn?t even cast a Flame Dart," exclaimed Llarar Bereloth with tears in his eyes. "Who knew that spells came with expiration dates?"<br><br>

Now, as part of the Magicka Continuing Education Initiative, citizens of Tamriel are encouraged to study one or more schools of magic.<br><br>

"We have people enrolling in classes all the time," said Headmaster Sarris, who runs a College of Magery in Summerset Isle. "We noticed that enrollment was a little low in the School of Thaumaturgy, so we phased that school out completely. They did have some really great spells, though, so we moved them into other schools." After a brief pause, the Headmaster continued, "We also noticed a trend in the area of summoning. Bringing forth creatures and weapons from the other realms was really catching on, so we felt that we had to create a brand new school that would encompass this new area of expertise."<br><br>

Thus was born the School of Conjuration.<br><br>

What other changes are in store for us here in Tamriel? Will this reformation continue, or have we finally put an end to the widespread abuse of Magicka?<br><br>

We will just have to wait and see.<br><br>

[On a related side note, Headmaster Sarris regrets to inform us that tuition is set to increase next year at the college.]<br>

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