L10N/Origin_of_the_Mages_Guild/6/Books/OMGTheChimerandthePsijicsByNazz の変更点


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The Chimer and the Psijics<br>
A comparison between the Chimer and the Psijic Order.<br>
By Nazz<br>
 One comparison that I don?t think I have ever seen anyone make is the similarities between the Chimer and that of the Psijic order. Though exact dates are not know presumably both cultures started sometime during the Merethic era, they also share similar religious beliefs. I think that there is some kind of hidden connection between the two groups, which will be the point of the rant.
First lets look at the similarities between both cultures. As was already stated it seems that both groups started around the same time. Xan?s timeline tells that the Chimer broke away from the rest of the Aldmer during the Middle Merethic Era. On the other hand the first mention of the Psijics in the timeline is not until 1E20, but from the statement in the entry it sounds as if the Psijics had been around awhile just never before mentioned.
The two cultures also shared similar religious beliefs. Both see Padomay, or PSJJJJ to the mystics, as the more glorious of the two supreme beings Anu/Padomay. They both see change as the driving force of Nirn. Both also respect and worship their ancestors and look to them for guidance. The two groups also seem to see Nirn as a ?test? of some sort that is to be passed in order to return to the spirit plane of their ancestors.
Also of note is that the Dunmer in Morrowind get a bonus to mysticism which is the principle school of the Psijics. Sotha Sil, one of the greatest Chimer/Dunmer mages, taught and presumably studied at Artaeum home of the Psijics.
There are of course differences in the two cultures as well. As far as we know the Psijics do not worship the Daedra though they do have some kind of room that can transport someone to Oblivion. Also the Psijics don?t seem to hold Lorkhan in the same regard as the Chimer. Part of the teachings of the Psijic order that we know is to be passive and not meddle in the affairs of the word, but the Chimer did nothing but that.
So what does any of this mean? I have no idea, its possible that the Psijics were Aldmer who agreed with the teachings of Veloth but didn?t want to leave Summerset. Or Veloth may have been a Psijic and that along with his inspiration from Boethia caused him to lead the Chimer to Resdayn. Or I may just be seeing things that aren?t really there, it wouldn?t be the first time.
-- Nazz<br>
Lore Rant for the Moment Article 2 <br>

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