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Tamriel And Akavir
by Adanorcil
<div align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=70 height=61>he influence of Akavir on Tamriel cannot be denied. The continent as we know it might have looked very different without the repetitious invasions of the Tsaesci. The Empire?s troops might never have subdued all provinces. The Imperial Banner might not have looked the same. For all we know, we could still be living in the First Era. <p>

Note: When speaking about "Akaviri", authors usually refer to the Tsaesci, the Serpent Folk of Akavir. They are the only Akaviri that appear frequently in Tamrielic history. We know of only one other race that ever set foot in Tamriel, the Snow Demons of Kamal, who invaded Morrowind in the Second Era.
The Second Empire
The climax of Akaviri (Tsaesci) influence was the Second Empire of Tamriel, ruled by the Reman dynasty, with the aid of the councilmen and tactical geniuses they had recruited amongst the defeated Tsaesci invaders.
Especially the Emperor?s close confidantes and councillors were often of Akaviri descent. A House Guard of Akaviri was very common and the Potentate, the Emperor?s prime advisor, is likely to always have been a Tsaesci for as long as the Second Empire lasted. A few Akaviri counsellors are said to have witnessed the famous fight between Prince Juilek, Reman III?s son, and Savirien-Chorak, son of his Potentate Versidue-Shaie, in the arena in the Imperial City.
Reman was assassinated later that year (1E 2920) and the Potentate declared the end of the First Era. Since the Potentate, with no suitable heir for Reman, was emperor all but in name, the first 430 years of the Second Era would be marked by an Akaviri control over Tamriel the continent had never seen before. Even before these dramatic events, the Akaviri influence ran deep and traces of it can still be seen to this day.
Many Akaviri slaves played a crucial role in making the Empire into the military powerhouse it is today. The Imperial Legions were completely restructured and learned an unparalleled measure of coherence, logistics, and discipline from the Akaviri. The Akaviri interference indirectly lead to Reman I conquering all of Tamriel except for Morrowind.
When it comes to weapon and armour development, the Tsaesci imported many innovative new techniques. The prized Dragonscale armor, which offers such a fine balance between weight and protection, is a Tsaesci invention.
The Akaviri imported also some of the most valued blades in Tamriel. The idea of a curved, one-edged blade was a totally new concept. From the short, dagger-like tanto and the slashing wakizashi to the razor-sharp katana and the even longer dai-katana, all Akaviri weapons are considered to be good, if not better alternatives for their straight Tamrielic counterparts. The latter two, though elegant and efficient, are too expensive and sophisticated to be popular with the Legions or hero-adventurers. They are very subtle in technique, but once mastered provide superior balance and effectiveness.
Akavir played a significant part in establishing the administrative and social structures of the Empire and during their long stay in Tamriel, human and Tsaesci bloodlines are said to have intermingled. The exact anatomic circumstances remain a mystery and perhaps the "mixing" of bloodlines only happened by means of adoption.
Fact is that Akaviri surnames - a few still exist - are a sign of high nobility and esteem in current day Cyrodiil. Many of the bearers of these names also claim to possess some of the distinctive facial features of the Tsaesci, yet this is probably little more than fabrication, since few actually know what Tsaesci faces look like. At the end of the Second Era, there were still rumors about "true Akaviri" colonies in Cyrodiil and its border regions, named so only for their traditions and practices, rather than for their ancestry. These colonies may long since have died out, though.
We already came to the conclusion that Tamriel has been influenced by Akavir in various ways. However, there is an other civilization that seems to influenced by Akavir. Little is known of it and even less of its connection to Akavir, yet there are plenty of clues that might lead one to think about a possible relation between the two.
The ancient continent of Yokuda, the original home of the Ra?Gada, who we know as Redguards these days, has many serpent influences. The Yokudan creation myth about "Satakal, the Worldskin" centres on the cosmic snake Satak who creates the world, destroys it and recreates. Devoted worshippers of this god live among the nomadic tribes of the Alik?r desert. These madmen are known to behave and live in a very snake-like way, to the point where they roll around in the dirt naked, "striking out" at passers-by or even rolling though the desert in a side-winder style, travelling for miles and miles.
Travellers can meet with snake charmers in exotic Redguard cities such as Stros M?Kai. This art, though rare, is very much appreciated at grand festivals and celebrations of the western Tamriel nobility.
Finally, many of their great heroes, such as Gaiden Shinji (Who spoke the famous words "The best techniques are passed on by the survivors.") have names and customs that are clearly partially Akaviri in origin.
Tamriel (and Yokuda) has a very ambiguous relationship with Akavir. The multiple invasions of the Akaviri have brought much harm, but at the same time, their presence here has provided us with many elements of our own culture. To quote the words of the famous Breton writer and historian, Carlovac Townway: "We are a rare generation in Tamriel, when few of us have seen any denizen of Akavir. I suspect that we're lucky in that."
Interview With Three Writers<br>
2920: The Last Year of The First Era<br>
Pocket Guide To The Empire: Cyrodiil<br>
Tamriel Gods: Yokuda<br>
The Monomyth: Yokudan, "Satakal the Worldskin"<br>
Travels To Hammerfell And Stros M'Kai, Interviews With Locals<br>
Darth Blade's "The Mer of Akavir"<br>


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