L10N/Origin_of_the_Mages_Guild/6/Books/OMGRieklingsFalmerByNazz の変更点


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Rieklings = Falmer?<br>
Nazz's take on the Riekling controversy. Are the Rieklings the long lost Falmer?<br>
By Nazz<br>
Are the Rieklings of Solstheim the Falmer of legend, read on and maybe we will find out. Like many topics this debate has a fair amount of support on both sides. Some believe the Falmer to be no more than simple snow goblins unworthy of the name Falmer, others though firmly believe that the Rieklings are the Falmer or at least have Falmer blood in them.
Those against the idea that the Rieklings are the Falmer have many points. First of all they look almost nothing like other elves. They are short and very goblin like, most can not or do not talk, and seem to be slaves of the frost giant Karstaag. The noises they make are all grunts and squeals similar to that of goblins. There is also the book ?Fall of the Snow Prince? which seems to detail the eradication of a group of elves that would appear to be the Falmer. Add to that a suit of armor and a spear that seem to be right out of the pages of the book seem all the more reason to dismiss the idea that the Rieklings are in any way related to the Falmer. Also the apparently merit scribbler of the Pocket Guide to the Empire mentions the Falmer and doesn?t mention anything about them being much different in looks than other mer. There is also an Altmer in the mining colony who believes the Falmer interbred with the other elven races and that the Rieklings are just snow goblins.
There is also plenty of ammunition for the other side. Firstly the Skaal on Solstheim will tell you that some believe they are the Falmer, why put this into the game if it was completely false. Then there is their appearance; they appear to be more elven than goblin to me. The only thing they seem to share with goblins are the pointy ears, otherwise there are no similarities. As for similarities to elves I see several, the before mentioned pointy ears are also shared by all of the elven races. Their eyes are also similar to the Altmers, and their teeth similar to the Orsimer, and they have beards that could almost be slapped on a Dwemer. They also seem to be more intelligent than most think. They can speak Cyrodilic and their own language as well as imitate wolf howls. They also seem to be good hunters, the wolf heads on their ?lances?, and can be very cunning just ask Krish.
So what do I believe to be the truth? I think that there were a group of elves that were not necessarily any different than any of the other elves that lived at one time in Skyrim. They were nearly wiped out by the Nords, as told in ?Fall of the Snow Prince?, and were forced to go into hiding. Shut off from the rest of civilization and wanting revenge on the Nords they eventually developed into the small icy skinned little buggers we find on Solstheim.
-- Nazz<br>
Lore Rant for the Moment Article 3<br> 

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