L10N/Origin_of_the_Mages_Guild/6/Books/OMGNeopelagiussLetterofResignation の変更点


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<div align="center"><font face=1>Neopelagius's Letter of Resignation<br>
by Neopelagius Eulius  <br>
Odean District, Skaven
<div align="left">5.SDa.430.3E <br> <br>
To the Arcane University, <br> <br>
It is with great regret that I hereby formally submit my resignation from the most esteemed Guild of Mages on the Fifth of Sun's Dawn, Four-hundred and Thirty of the Third Era. This decision is not made in haste, nor in an emotional outburst - though that is not to say that I am not upset. No, I have chosen to end my relations with the Mages' Guild after a candid inspection of the facts. <br> <br>
But what is the value of facts when they can be changed at the whim of a man? Tell me, do the Moth Priests' scrolls have value now? When the Elders read them with blind eyes, is history still written there? Or perhaps the lady-dragons have mended it for you. Has Akatosh lent His Jills to Traven? <br> <br>
Nine months ago, when Ocato stepped down from Archmagister to devote more of his attention to his position as High Chancellor of the Elder Council, there was much talk of who would replace him.  When Hannibal Traven, an extremist member of the anti-necromantic reformists, was selected, there was much protestation. Sharn gra-Muzgob of the Balmora guild declared that, "Today, we fall into the barbaric superstition which this guild once dispelled from Tamriel.  We have reverted to the backwards theomagicka of the First Empire." I said nothing and hoped for the best. <br> <br>
But my hope was misplaced.  Three weeks ago, a declaration from the University arrived, banning necromancy in the empire.  I was incredibly unhappy, but I felt I could persevere.  Though I knew what this meant for the guild, we had been through rough times before. Then I noticed the attached document, a poem called "Mannimarco, King of Worms." <br> <br>
I will not mention the terrible quality of this work, nor the malapropist tendencies of its writer, a romantic under the pseudonym Horicles. What astounded me the most was its references to Galerion's life. Certainly, there had been no great battle against Mannimarco that led to his death. I was certain he had not left Artaeum over their "crime" of not killing Mannimarco.  This drivel disgusted me.  I immediately went to our library for references for my refutation. This intense disrespect and manipulation of Vanus Galerion, the greatest mage in the history of Tamriel, could not be allowed to stand. <br> <br>
I found the biographies absent.  Those there were had sections missing.  Furious, I traveled to Skingrad, but to no avail. Their library was in a similar state.  When I asked about it, I was sharply rebuffed.  Most dissenters in Skingrad had already left the guild completely, or been forced out by those who supported the ban.  I found only one document that had not been edited properly.  Origin of the Mages' Guild remains the same as it was when it was written by Salarath. <br> <br>
My first point of contention is the statement that Galerion left Artaeum because of the Psijics' choice to let Mannimarco go free.  It is clearly stated that he left Artaeum on good terms with the Greycloaks.  It was later, when he gathered other mages from around Summerset, that any animosity was shown.  And, truth be told, the animosity was not from Galerion to the Psijics, but from the mages of Summerset to Galerion. In any event, Iachesis himself approved of the charter, and the Mages Guild was formed. <br> <br>
My second compaint is against this monumental myth surrounding Galerion's death.  I find it abhorrent that you would make such a thinly veiled attempt. Origin states quite clearly that, "as Vanus Galerion himself said bitterly, leaving Tamriel to travel to other lands, 'The Guild has become nothing more than an intricate morass of political infighting.'" <br> <br>
Of course, you have no need to defend yourselves.  It has been made quite clear to me that anyone who dissents has no place in the guild.  All you have to do is distribute this poem to the uneducated masses to justify your pogromic crusade against necromancy. I come from a wealthy enough family. I have the resources to operate on my own accord. Others, however, are forced into silence, for fear of losing their livelihood. <br> <br>
In conclusion, I hereby resign, completely and irreversably, from membership of the Guild of Mages. <br> <br>
  <br> <br>
In Galerion and the Nine, <br> <br>
Magician Neopelagius Eulius <br>

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