L10N/Origin_of_the_Mages_Guild/6/Books/OMGMG10AyleidReference の変更点


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<font face=1>Ayleid Inscriptions and their Translations<br>
By Raelys Anine<br>
The following inscriptions were painstakingly transcribed and interpreted over many long years, and are preserved here for all time.<br>
<DIV align="center">--<br>
Av molag anyammis, av latta magicka.<br>
<DIV align="left">"From fire, life; from light, magic."<br>
<DIV align="center">--<br>
Barra agea ry sou karan.<br>
<DIV align="left">"Wear lore as your armor."<br>
<DIV align="center">--<br>
Agea haelia ne jorane emero laloria.<br>
<DIV align="left">"Wisdom learned by pain is a reliable guide in dark times." [literally, "Terrible wisdom never betrayed the loremasters."]<br>
<DIV align="center">--<br>
Nou aldmeris mathmeldi admia aurane gandra sepredia av relleis ye brelyeis ye varlais.<br>
<DIV align="left">"Our exiled Elven ancestors heard the welcoming gifts of peace in the streams and beech trees and stars." ["Mathmeldi" means literally "from-home-driven." ]<br>
<DIV align="center">--<br>
Suna ye sunnabe.<br>
<DIV align="left">"Bless and blessed be."<br>
<DIV align="center">--<br>
Va garlas agea, gravia ye goria, lattia mallari av malatu.<br>
<DIV align="left">"In the caverns of lore, ugly and obscure, shines the gold of truth."<br>
<DIV align="center">--<br>
Vabria frensca, sa belle, sa baune, amaraldane aldmeris adonai.<br>
<DIV align="left">"The foaming wave, so thunderous, so mighty, heralds the lordly Elves."<br>

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