L10N/Origin_of_the_Mages_Guild/6/Books/OMGFiefsGuidetoTheStatusCultureandPreperationofSaltrice の変更点


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<font face=1><div align="center">Fief's Guide to The Status, Culture and Preperation of Saltrice<br>
By Fief
<br><br>To some it is the humble sidedish of the poor and cheap, to others it is the source of potions most sought after by adventurers, to yet others it is the basis of cheap intoxications and to some it is a symbol of the spiritual. Saltrice is perhaps the most exiting of all Tamriel's plants due to its varied uses and its rich political history.
Saltrice is a common and cheap source of food (roughly 1 septim per portion). It is mainly grown in southeastern Morrowind where it is key to the wealth of Great House Dres along with the cheap slave labor used to harvest it. Indeed it is sad to note that were it not for the wealth of the saltrice trade House Dres might have abandoned the slave trade (or perhaps even never taken it up at all) long ago. Regardless of what came first or how (as that is not the purpose of this document) Great House Dres remains the darkest stain in the otherwise glorious history of saltrice. Saltrice is also grown in southern Elsweyr aswell as in the Ascadian Isles of Vvardenfell District in northern Morrowind. Reports suggest that there has been at least one saltrice plantation in the Sheogorad region aswell and the plants grow on their own in the grazelands region, both of these regions are part of the Vvardenfell district.
The name "saltrice" is actually quite the mystery on it's own. The name could imply that it has a salty taste perhaps because the plant absorbs alot of salt from the soil (and possibly also from the water it is known to grow near). Another possibility is that the plant (in its wild state) mainly grows near salt water, where it is often encountered on Azura's Coast one of Vvvardenfell's regions. The fact that it seems to thrive in the plantations of southeastern Morrowind and southern Elsweyr speaks against this idea however.
As a product saltrice is mainly sold in three forms in the land of Morrowind: Either unprepared, in bread form or as the liquor known as mazte. In its unprepared form saltrice seems to be more of a sidedish but it can sereve several purposes during a meal. Here follows an example recipe ?borrowed? from a Redoran cook.
The Hound and Rat<br>
1 pie crust<br>
1 pound of ground meat (mixed rat and hound)<br>
a hand and a half of cooked saltrice<br>
1 handful of scuttle<br>
1 small kwama egg<br>
a pinch of ash salts<br>
Cook the mixed meat in a pan over an open flame. When the meat begins to brown, add the saltrice. Stir for a few moments and add the scuttle and kwama egg. When the kwama egg is fully cooked and the scuttle has melted, pour from the pan into the pie crust. Sprinkle with ash salts and cover the pie crust. Bake for one quarter hour in a hot oven.<br><br>

Commonly saltrice is also prepared as a cooked porridge mixed with scuttle.
Saltrice flour is the most common base ingredient for breadmaking in Morrowind. Morrowindian bread is cheap (roughly 1 septim  piece) and invigorating, restoring some of the consumers fatigue. Alchemists should note however that bread only possess that one quality of the saltrice.<br><br>

Mazte is a cheap, local Morrowindian bear made from fermented saltrice. The drinker will feel dumb and weak-willed but also strong and considering the price (roughly 10 septims  bottle) most consider it a worthwhile investment.<br><br>

Saltrice is an invigorating dish and many alchemists use these properties when making potions for restoring health or fatigue. Saltrice can also be used to temporarily increase one?s magicka limit. Alchemist should be warned not to combine saltrice with scathecraw or green lichen however as such mixes are poisonous, draining the drinkers strength.<br><br>

Besides being an important part of Morrowinds economy saltrice also has a symbolic value displayed by the Saltrice Society of the Dissident Priests. Students of this martial arts form (patterned on the Rain-of-Sand styles from Elsweyr) are known to embrace the ?ascetic renunciation of wordly wealth and material goods and mystical philosophies considered alien to the Imperial West?. Unfortunately I was unable to get any comments from the Dissident Priests on this matter nor were they willing to speak of the Marshmerrow or Golden Reed Societies, the Saltrice Societies siblings.
It is interesting to note that during an interview with a Morag Tong assassin known as the Axe Man it was revealed that it is easier to scrub blood of a floor than saltrice flour. A fine testament to the stickyness of the flour making it unsuitable as a mere aid in baking, proving the importance of its assigned role in cooking.
Finally to conclude this humble guide I?d like to say that while we know quite a lot about the magnificent dish that is saltrice, I fear that we are still only scratching the surface of its elusive history and purpose in the scheme of things. I hope to some day reveal all of the saltrice?s mysteries like the Saltrice Society and its origin aswell as the saltrice?s historical influence as an agricultural product, could it perhaps be that the saltrice or one of it?s cousins is in fact the founding force of the very Empire we now live in? In my mind it is certainly possible.
Sources: The Alchemist's Formulary, The Axe Man, Redoran Cooking Secrets, Provinces of Tamriel, Great Houses of Morrowind, The Imperial Library's Savant's Notes On Vvardenfell Section, and interviews with tavern owners and monks about drinks and martial arts of Morrowind aswell as observations and studies of the ingredients in question in Morrowind. <br><br>

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