L10N/Origin_of_the_Mages_Guild/6/Books/OMGCorprusbyNazz の変更点

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<font face=1><DIV align="center">Corprus<br>
An in-depth look at the so called "Divine Disease."<br>
By Nazz<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds" width=69 height=62>  come to you today to discuss corprus. What Lord Fyr likes to call the "divine disease". First off I think that this title is a little misleading, while its effects early on in the process are disease like we all know that diseases can be cured yet there is no cure for corprus. I recently spoke to Lord Fyr about this and he claims he "cured" one outlander who claimed to be Nerevar reborn of all things. When I asked him to demonstrate the potion for me it killed both inmates that he tried it on, therefore I believe the "curing" of this Nerevarine was either a fluke, was completed with the unknown help of the Divine, or a story made up by Divayth to gain attention. It should be noted that corprus can bring on disease such as the blight's many forms yet I do not believe that corprus itself is in fact a disease.<p>

Corprus victims seem to have two paths to take once infected, they either become mindless corprus monsters or they become the powerful servants of Dagoth Ur. I do not know what exactly is required of the victim to not become a mindless zombie nor do I want to know but I would imagine it either has to do with the victims own strength that would allow them to control corprus or some kind of "blessing" from Dagoth Ur. That being said this is how corprus seems to progress. At first it looks similar to a normal disease the victim has corprus growths all over their body and looks heavily diseased. Then the victim either becomes what is known as a "Corprus Stalker" or an "Ash Slave".<p>

Corprus Stalkers look mostly humanoid except for the disgusting corprus growths that cover their skin and are the lowest form of the mindless beast form of corprus.<p>

"Lame Corprus" are poor souls who have been with corprus for a long time. The growths on their body rage out of control making it difficult to move, these same growths also make them incredibly powerful and are very dangerous to the common mer or man.<p>

Ash Slaves are the lowest rank of Dagoth Ur's personal servants. They are covered in corprus and their faces appear to be covered in ash. They have limited magic abilities and can be very dangerous.<p>

The next step in the evolutionary process of one of Ur's servants is the "Ash Zombie". During this faze the Ash Slaves face becomes brittle and falls off leaving a gaping hole. During this time the servant loses its magical ability but gains considerable strength.<p>

Next comes the "Ash Ghoul". After a certain amount of time the corprus inside the Ash Zombie starts to grow a strange tentacle like appendage out of the hole in the zombies face. In this form they gain a consideral amount of magical ability and are also very strong fighters. Some of Dagoth Ur's closest compainions are Ash Ghouls.<p>

The final step would seem to be the "Ascended Sleeper". The tentacle growths inside the ghouls head eventualy completely emerge and a new head is grown where the old one was. These beings are incredibly strong and are the pinicle of what a servant of Dagoth Ur can achieve.<p>

In a seperate catagory from the creatures above are the "Ash Vampires". They are Dagoth Ur's closest kin of old house Dagoth. They share the most of Lorkhan's hearts power with Ur, apparently even if killed they can be brought back to life by Dagoth Ur.<p>

Also of note are "Ash Poets". I am unsure exactly what these creatures are except that they are more of Ur's corprus servents. I have never seen one of these beings nor have I heard any reliable reports, save the name. It is possible that Ash Poet is just another name for the Ascended Sleepers.<p>

Many believe that corprus was created by Dagoth Ur after he gained the power of Lorkhan's heart. I on the other hand think that corprus is in fact the gift/curse of a divine like Divayth would suggest, it is the gift of a true divine, Lorkhan. I think that this is the reason for Ur's unusual connection with Lorkhan's heart.<p>
-- Nazz<br>
Lore Rant for the Moment Article 1  <br>

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